Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Back Door Wives

Single chapter

Written by Kristen 

They came toward her slowly, their eyes wary, as if they didn't believe what was on the verge of happening to them. Face it. How many times in real life do you walk into a situation like this? A lushly built, totally slutted-out woman with blue hair and 38-Cs offering a no-strings blowjob in the crapper of a lowlife hillbilly bar?

"I mean it," she said, flashing her blue eyes at them, squeezing down on the plush mounds of her tits. "I really mean it."

"I don't fucking believe it," she heard Kyle Newberry say from behind her. There was a note of awe in his voice. She knew, even without turning, that he was stroking the cock she had just sucked off, and that his cock was full of hard throbbing bone.

The two men came within reach. She didn't look up at their faces. She didn't give a shit who they were, what they looked like. Her eyes were fixed on their crotches. All she wanted was what lurked behind the front of their pants. And she was going to get it.

"Take your cocks out," she said. "Do you want me to do all the work?"

They unzipped, fumbled inside for their hard pricks. Trish caught her breath as the first one flashed out into the open. It was a real monster, long and hard and as thick as a baby's wrist.

She held out one hand, palm turned upward, and the man placed his prick atop it. Trish squeezed, feeling the surge of erotic excitement shoot through his limb of flesh, and she leaned toward it, her mouth already watering for the taste of his dick on her tongue.

"Oh, yes," she said, staring his cock eye to eye. She squeezed again, and a watery drop of precum oozed from the tip. Her tongue flicked it away.

She could taste the piss on his tool, but she was beyond caring about such things as that. She peeled down the foreskin and she licked him, lapping ravenously at the swollen knob.

Her ovaled mouth took him inward, and she sucked at his meaty cock, relishing the flavor. Who said guys all tasted alike? She really hadn't sucked a lot of cocks in her life -counting this one, maybe six, tops -but she could have identified any of them in the dark, using nothing but her tongue as a guide.

I think I'm going to like loosening up, she thought with a shiver of excitement, sucking the stranger's cock in and out. She only hoped that Ken would be ready for the new Tricia.

The other man was standing beside her, his pants lowered and his own dick sticking out. He took her other hand, put it on his peter. She fisted him, feeling the surging energy in this new, strange rod, and she stroked him in a warm, lustful rhythm as she kept on sucking the first prick.

"I guess you must be one of those punk rockers," Kyle was saying from behind her. "The hair, the clothes, the way you eat a dick ... I'd heard about that kind of stuff, but I didn't know there were really people like that."

"Believe it," Trish whispered, in between slurps at the cock that filled her hungry mouth.

"Suck mine, too," she heard someone say. It was the man whose prick she was fondling. With a shrug, Trish surrendered the first cock and turned to the second.

It wasn't as big as Kyle's or the other one, but it was surmounted by the biggest dickknob she had ever seen, and oozy precum glistened on the big bulging glans.

She milked it with her hand, saw a bubble of jizz dribble from its slit. Her tongue caught it before it wasted itself on the floor, and it tasted so fucking good she had to have a little more.

She lipped the bulbous knob and sucked another little spraying squirt from it. The warm salty fluid coated her tongue and she closed her eyes dreamily, savoring.

Trish had never been exactly crazy about eating dick before she met Ken. She'd done it, but it had always seemed so yucchy. Ken had taught her that oral sex was an essential part of any relationship, and she had come to love the feel and taste of his throbbing rod buried in her mouth.

Sucking off strangers was hardly a relationship, but the thrill of eating cock was no less pronounced. A day with Kate Parker had turned Trish into a total, unmitigated slut.

She felt a little guilty for enjoying it so much, but as the cock surged and pulsated in her mouth, she felt passion bubbling through the lips of her pussy, juices matting her cunthair and oozing down her quivery thighs.

Her blowjob grew more vigorous. Her head worked back and forth, and the knob pushed to the back of her mouth. It wasn't quite long enough to fuck into her throat, but that was okay. She could breathe while she blew. Her jaws clenched, and her mouth tightened. She was thirsty for cum now, and she would have another load or she would suck this cock to death!

Tricia heard the men's room door open. Was someone leaving or coming in? "Jesus!" a voice said. A new arrival. She kept on sucking.

The cock suddenly spurted, filling her mouth with hot thick sperm. She gulped, eating it all. Her lips coaxed and pleaded, urging the cock to give her just another squirt, just a little more, pleeeeeeeez????

But it went dry, and she spat it out, swallowing the hot thick load of cum. The first man's prick was still clutched in her hand, and she turned to it, her eyes bright, her lips wet with desire.

"Are you gonna feed me too?" she asked the cock.

Her lips brushed it with sensuous kisses, her tongue licked delicately, arousingly, at the hard swollen flesh that still wore bubbles of her drool from the previous round of sucking. She ovaled her mouth and fed it inside, gulping it into the upper end of her throat and sucking like a wolf at a marrow bone.

Hands caressed her from behind. They fondled her tits, slid down to cup the bulging lustful bun of her cunt. She squirmed, concentrating on the cock in her mouth, but she made her body available.

It felt like Kyle's big strong hands attacking her tits, but she wasn't sure. She didn't think she cared. Fingers tweaked her swollen, pointy nipples, and she moaned around the tool that filled her mouth.

A second squirting load splattered her tongue. She closed her eyes and sucked it down her throat, relishing every drop of the semen that poured into her. Yes, yes, her mind screamed. Give me all your fucking cum!!!

She felt, behind her, the hard aroused prodding of a stiff cock. She was sure that it was Kyle Newberry now that she could feel his dick touching her from the rear.

She wiggled her ass, stimulating herself as much as she stimulated him. The tool angled down, riding in the crack of her ass. It stroked up and down, and her cunt slobbered wetly upon it.

The hands continued to manipulate her tits, and she pushed her 38s into the palms, the nipples hot and hard with lustful desires. Jesus, it was too bad Kate wasn't in here watching! She'd be so fucking proud of her proteg‚e! If, that is, she wasn't on her knees trying to take this sweet fat boner away from Tricia!

She worked the cock with both hands, swishing it in and out of her mouth, sucking fiercely, passionately. She had already forgotten the face of the man whose tool she was eating, and that was how she wanted it to be. His identity didn't mean shit. His prick was all that counted.

Kyle's hands worked downward. He spread her pussy lips and inserted a finger into the simmering stewpot. She moaned, feeling him tickle her clit, spearfuck her cunt.

Juice was leaking from her hole and his finger got wetter, moved deeper. She whimpered around the cock that filled her mouth, and she milked his finger with her cuntal muscles, body easing up and down in short, delighted heaves.

A hand captured one of her wrists. "If you're in the mood, baby, why don't you get in the mood for me?" she heard a voice say.

She had no idea in hell who it might be that was speaking. The fingers of that hand surrendered their deathgrip on the cock she was eating, and she let her hand be guided.

It found another dick, equally stiff, equally big, equally awesome, and she stroked it with her fingers while she continued to gobble the prick that fed her horny mouth.

Kyle Newberry persisted in his manual and pecker caress of her heated body and Tricia Miller felt, at the same time, supremely aroused and supremely whorish. And there was such a soul consuming satisfaction to the feeling!

She whipped her tongue around the cock that fucked her mouth. Its thrusts became more agitated, more excited. That cock wasn't the only one who was excited, for fucking sure!

She gulped it, throat convulsing around the stabs, and her hand worked up and down the hardened shaft of the prick that she held so tightly. Kyle's hands grew more possessive on her body. His own dick lay along the gash of Trish's cunt, and her clit pulsated in response to its caressing pressure.

He pumped back and forth through her crotch. She squirmed, but not uncomfortably. Her thighs gripped him, holding his tool flush against her cuntal crack, and she bathed it in the exudations from her aroused twat. Her clitoris was like a wart that his prick rubbed raw.

Adventure, Kate had called it. Sitting in her lap with a hard-on. Mmm, Jesus, she knew what her friend had meant, now! And she had as much hard-on adventure as she could handle.

The cock in her mouth exploded, hot cum splashing her tongue. It was a big sloppy release, and her cheeks puffed out as the jizz erupted. It had a thick, tangy taste -she wasn't sure she liked it, but that didn't keep Trish from guzzling down the slimy nectar, and her throat twitched spasmodically, her thighs still gripping hotly at Kyle's prick.

As the prick finished squirting its juicy cargo into her mouth, she let it slip from her cum-slimed lips. Sperm was oozing from them, running down her chin. She must have drunk down half a quart by now.

Behind her, Kyle Newberry stood up. He turned her face around and shoved his cock back into her mouth. She gasped at the fattened, lust-gorged size of him, and she gagged as he took hold of her ears and simply fucked her face with his re-aroused boner.

He was as big, as stiff, as ferocious as before. If anything, his cock was even bigger this time! She whimpered but she didn't stop sucking. She couldn't stop sucking.

Inside her hand, another strange cock throbbed with the mysteries of sexual arousal. She worked her fist up and down the shaft, feeling every inch of the long boney tool, and she ached to know its taste in her mouth as well.

There were voices. It was too late to hear them. She sucked. Trish was aware that her right hand was being attached to still another cock. Another?!?! Oh, God!!! As soon as she touched it, she knew that it was one she had not met before, but her fist got acquainted fast, and as she sucked on Kyle, she masturbated this new arrival.

She had a cock in her mouth and one in each fist. There was a sudden whoosh of air and she knew that someone else had come into the men's room. She knew equally well that she would soon be introduced to still another prick, and excitement throbbed behind the soft cushions of her tits.

Tricia was a woman possessed, now. There was no stopping, no turning back, no saying "It was a mistake .. I didn't mean to do this ..." She hadn't meant to do it, but she was by God doing it, and she could not stop until she was finished!

She gulped hard, drawing the cock she sucked almost into her lungs. Big, powerful pricks throbbed inside her squeezing, shucking fists. She found herself wondering if they tasted as good as they felt.

Maybe there was something to be said for being a slut. She thought she had never felt so alive as she did right now, on her knees in a grubby men's room, sucking and masturbating the anonymous cocks of Christ knew how many strange men!

A searing blast of cum filled her mouth. "Suck it, bitch!!!" she heard Kyle gasp, and his pulsating cock plunged again and again into her throat, squirting spray after spray of hot scalding jizz down her gullet.

She moaned as she drank it, and then she spat the prick free and her head jerked immediately toward the nearer of the two cocks she was beating off.

As she began to suck, she noticed that there were at least six or seven men in the room now. Kyle was on her from behind again, massaging her hot cunt with his enlarged dick.

Christ! He'd just filled her mouth with sperm, and he was still stiff as a board! She was sorry as hell she'd not gotten to fuck him in high school, when he must have been truly in his prime!

She held one cock in her fist and another in her mouth. She had no idea whose cocks, how many cocks, she had sucked already, and she could only guess at how many more there were to come.

But there were still other torsos and crotches visible, behind the men she was taking on, and they didn't look like the first two guys she had blown after finishing Kyle.

Jesus, was she drawing a crowd??? Trish began to blush under her thick coat of makeup, but it was much too late to stop now. Much too late.

She siphoned still another squirting scalding load across her tongue. She was getting numb in the mouth. She could hardly taste the flavor of the cream, but she could not mistake the scummy oiliness of it as it rolled across her tongue in bubbles like mercury.

She hollowed her cheeks and sucked back and forth, hard, almost viciously, emptying the cock that filled her mouth. She sucked down every drop of cum that it could give her and then she abandoned it without a glance back.

The prick that her hand caressed was the smallest one she'd encountered, but it was really sorta cute when you looked at it in the right way. Trish smiled and planted a wet, cum-smeared kiss upon its red knob. Then she gulped it inside and wolfed it home.

The five or six-inch length of the prick was ideal for her mouth. She could swallow it all and rub her lips against his groin, kissing his nuts while she mouthed the entire cock. Her hands clutched at the man's bare ass -he'd dropped his jeans and shorts straight to the floor and he was holding his shirttail up out of the way.

She purred as she feasted on him. He tasted young, but she wasn't interested enough to look up and check out his face. She closed her eyes and she blew him.

Her hands stroked his buttocks, and he began to sway tremulously, like a slender willow in a breeze, his peter pumping into Tricia's mouth, his hands busy on her tinsel-looking blue wig.

She gave a whimpering moan as Kyle Newberry, still busy from behind her, slipped his finger up her wet drooling pussy and speared it high into her sexual arousal. Her body worked up and down, pussy muscles drawing his finger in and out of Trish.

"Do they party like this every fucking night at the Green Parrot?" a voice wondered somewhere in the distance. "Shit, man, I gotta start coming here more often!"

Another round of jizz poured into her mouth, the biggest load yet spilling from the tip of the smallest cock she'd sampled so far. Trish guzzled it down, gnawing with teeth and lips to make sure that this prick gave her everything it had.

Her throat was clogged with the jizz she'd already swallowed, and it began to back up her tunnel. As she sucked and whined and nibbled, creamy sheetings of sperm leaked from her lips, down her chin, spilling onto the pink hard nipples of her heaving tits.

She let the cock go and her head moved back. The tool she'd just eaten belonged to a fresh-faced kid who didn't look much over seventeen, though he must have been at least twenty-one to be in this bar in the first place. He looked down at Trish with eyes that said "Thank you" and a smile that made her feel even warmer than the cum she'd eaten from his dick.

She cupped her tits and dribbled cum onto them from her lips, then massaged the goo into her flesh with her fingertips.

"To make them grow bigger," she said with a teasing smirk. Then she lifted the cum-smeared nipples toward her lips and let her tongue caress the pink points.

When she looked up again, two more cocks were staring her eye to eye. Kyle's finger was working in and out of her cunt, and she was wetter than she had believed possible -she thought maybe she was pissing herself as she squatted on the floor. No one seemed to mind, if that was the case, and she shrugged, reaching for the new arrivals.

"Stand closer, you guys," she suggested. "I don't know which one of you I want first, so I'm gonna suck on both at the same time."

They faced each other, and she rubbed the tips of their tools together, precum from one cock merging with the lust saliva from the other. Her tongue anointed them as their points went nose-to-nose, and she fitted her open mouth over the two rods, sliding back and forth along their combined lengths, from one set of dickhairs to the other.

One tool was long and skinny, the other shorter but fatter. She had a mouthful to anticipate, no matter which way she turned her eyes.

She twisted the pricks, and somehow she managed to get both knobs into her mouth at the same time. She couldn't take either of them very deeply, but she kept her hands busy, stroking the shafts, while her tongue lapped and licked at the bulging knobs themselves.

Kyle's finger continued to ream her twat, but he'd added a new wrinkle to it. His thumb was even now gouging insistently at the puckered pink mouth of her asshole.

She gasped around her mouthful as he thumb-fucked her shitter. He used his hand monstrously, working thumb and finger at the same time, as if he meant to snap his finger inside her. She squirmed and writhed and moaned, feeling more sexually aroused than seemed possible. She only wished that she had more hands, an extra mouth, another pussy, another ass -she didn't want it to stop!

Again, the sound of the bathroom door opening, but she was far too busy to care.

"Trish, you goddamn whore!!!" a lilting voice called out. "I heard them saying some bitch was sucking everyone off in the john, but I didn't think it was you they were talking about!"

It was Kate, and she was lying, of course. She knew exactly who they were talking about, but the oversexed cunt just had to see for herself.

Trish felt a feminine hand touch her head, and then Kate was on her knees beside her, rubbing her excited tits against Trish's shoulder. The nipples were pebble-hard through the t-shirt she wore, and the mounds quivered ecstatically.

Kate cupped the bags of the two men Tricia was blowing and she said, "Cream her good, guys. She really wants your cum in her slutty hot mouth." And of course it was true.

"Give me a kiss, stud," Kate told Kyle, leaning across Tricia's back so she could rub her mouth against his. "Ooohh, you're doing the double nasties to my friend! Feel that tight ass on your thumb! Play your cards right, she might let you stick your big cock up that hole, too."

Trish was still mouthing both prick knobs simultaneously, toying with the shafts and urging them to give her what she wanted. The cock on the right fired off, salvos squirting across her tongue, and then she got a second helping from the dick on her left.

Both pricks fired their jizz into her mouth and she gulped it down her throat, stroking them rapidly to empty the shafts.

"I love it," she gurgled, leaning back as she released the two spent dicks. "Oh, fucking God, I love it!!!"

"I taught her everything she knows," Kate said smugly, and it wasn't true -not at all -but she had taught Trish a hell of a lot, all the same, so who wanted to quibble over semantics?

Kate sniffed. "God, it smells like a pisshouse in here! And there's not enough room to swing a cat. C'mon, Trish, let's take this party someplace we can stretch it out. And breathe."

She took Tricia's hand and pulled her to her feet. Kyle rose with her, his digits still imbedded in Trish's drooling holes, his big hard tool flopping against the small of Tricia's back.

"We'll make some history," Kate went on. "Any of you guys who still want to party, meet us at the pool table.

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Man with a 'tash

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