Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Man with a 'tash


Back in time - before the Internet was 'a thing' - there were Newsgroups (Usenet). Created in the '70's, this was a text-based forum where messages could be read by any other member. Groups were laid out using a similar notation to the web domains of today with a dot subdividing categories. 'comp' contained anything to do with computers, 'comp.os' would be the sub-set that was specific to computer Operating Systems and '' is....well, you get the idea. Usenet was - and remains - one of the best ways to conduct very highly topic-focussed discussions with like-minded people.
As Usenet got more popular with the general public, more and more groups appeared, each catering for a specialist-interest group. Think of almost anything you like and there was probably a group for it at one time or another.
This increase in popularity raised a few problems: designed to deliver messages in time-order, it isn't that easy to search an archive by message content or phrase (especially true when the time of posting isn't a factor) and, when each sub-topic has its own branch, it can be really quite hard to know exactly where to look for something that spans multiple interests.
Once 'The web' started to really take off, more and more of these specialist forums fell into disuse: the vast majority of the '' subset was made redundant when adult content streaming websites started to appear in the '90's while the branches that held catalogs of stories -, and so on survive to this day but this new breed of users generally don't configure a newsreader because, well, they simply don't know such things exist!
How about a half-way house? A web-accessible site that draws on as much of this older content as possible?

So welcome to The Adult Story Hub! We hope you enoy your time here. We owe a huge 'thank you' to the countless authors who have contributed so much time and content; we would be very much the poorer without their stories and we hope seeing their work listed here and knowing it can be enjoyed by a whole new readership brings them a great sense of satisfaction.

Membership, users and new content

We welcome new content! While no one needs to sign up just to run searches or read stories, signing up means a user can post new stories - growing the story-base and enjoying the glory of seeing their name in print. An author profile also offers space for a short biography so that folk can add some detail about their history, writing style or niche.
Authors also get a rank, a marker that shows their level of interaction with the site: adding stories or comments to existing ones will influence what rank is assigned. It's a bit of fun and marks us out as different in the world of online publishing!

Site design and functionality

The Adult Story Hub uses some third-party tools to deliver the content and provide the user experience:
  A high performance SQL-based database technology, when tuned and adjusted, enhances our ability to mine the vast content we host;
  Our layout was built on an open design by W3S that gives us a format that should cope with all kinds of browsers and devices;
  IP2Location LITE database for IP geolocation - an addition to address a specific upcoming UK issue;
  The Quill rich text component for story creation and editing
The wording used in and the functionality delivered by the site were all designed in-house.

The origin of The Man With a 'Tash?

The Adult Story Hub - T.A.S.H. Need we say more? He's our brand logo and is a nod to the archetypal English gent of the 1930's - who, as we all know, never tells!

Man with a 'tash
Last updated: October 13, 2024
Apropos nothing...

The world's first successful penis transplant took place in Cape Town, South Africa in 2015.
Does the donator feel the need for a cigarette after the recipient has sex?

And now a word from our sponsor

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