'us', 'our' and 'we' reference the legal owner of The Adult Story Hub and/or their representative/s.
'the site' and 'our site' references the website known by the domain theadultstoryhub.com
'you', 'a user', 'the user' and 'users' reference any person or entity
that seeks to make use of any material made available by The Adult Story Hub.
'content' means material that is either stored on this site
or delivered to a user of the service this site provides.
While it should be obvious from the domain name ('web address'),
it should be expected that content on this site will be of an adult nature and is intended for adult
consumption only. It is a requirement that the user is of an appropriate age
(in the jurisdiction they are located in) to view such material.
A formal notice of this condition of entry is presented to each new user on their intial
visit and their acceptance is both required and recorded before the site will display any further content.
Any user that: clears their Internet browser's cache or; deletes the
cookie(s) we have set or; uses an alternative Internet browser or; uses an Internet browser
that does not store cookies or does not enable Javascript or; does not revisit the site within 365 days may be required
to re-confirm this acceptance.
It is understood that some of the content on this site will describe or allude to acts that
are not appropriate to discuss in society in general and/or could be considered offensive if the context
in which they are presented is removed. By proceeding with their use of this site, users confirm that
such content will not pervert their thinking or cause offence, moral outrage or like effects.
Users also idemnify us against any and all claims they or their representatives may seek to bring
for perversion, obscenity or any related charge. The material presented on this site
is strictly for the entertainment of adults, is entirely fictional in nature and is not, in any
way, to be considered a guide or any form of instruction or education. The content must not be be exposed
to any third party if said party is not of suitable age and has not willingly accepted the
nature of the material and the terms set out herein.
Furthermore, content may depict acts that are not permitted under religious, legal
or moral grounds in some territories or social groups and it is the sole responsibility of the user
to avoid content that breaches any such restrictions on their person.
Copyright of stories displayed via this site remain with the author(s). We have the right
to reproduce said content on their behalf for transient consumption
via a web browser. We cannot assume and do not offer the right to allow any user or third party
to reproduce, retain or otherwise make use of such content in any form, notwithstanding
recognised Internet search engines indexing the site in order to permit a user of those search
services to be directed back to the originating article or author.
Other components that make up this website - including but not limited to - search
functionality, system and technical configuration, user management and the wording
used in delivering the experience that this site provides are all
copyright The Adult Story Hub and we reserve the
right to suspend, modify or change the nature and presentation of the site in order to
make improvements to the service or in reaction to external forces. Some elements
(not exclusively, items such as the underlying database; the computer Operating System/s; programming languages)
are copyright their respective owners and we make no claims to their rights.
Our web domain is registered in Canada. The website operates from within
Canadian jurisdiction and, consequently, we recognise Canadian law.
It is accepted by users that we reserve the right to modify or update these terms from
time to time and it remains the users responsibility to honour the terms as they
are presented in the most recent version.
Users that do not agree to the terms set out in this statement are obliged
to cease any interaction with the site immediately.
Condoms have been successfully used to waterproof microphones for under-water recording.
We really, really hope they were capturing the...err...emissions of a sperm whale.
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