Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Back Door Wives

Single chapter

Written by Kristen 

His finger entered her cunt as he spoke. She bit her lip in surprise, her blue eyes as big as teacups. "Oh!" Tricia gasped, her belly undulating while his finger moved in shallow but exciting passes. She was moving up and down on the balls of her feet, and alternate cold and hot flashes swept through her body.

He kept on kissing her, still fucking her with his finger, and she became aware that Kate's mouth, too, was getting into the kiss. Her head was turned, and her girlfriend's wet lips, still tasting heatedly of cock, pressed against Tricia's.

"Why not fuck him?" Kate whispered into Tricia's mouth. "You're as hot as can be, and he's a dynamite lay. C'mon, honey -you said Kenny wanted you to loosen up a little. What better way to do just that???"

"I could never ... " Trish husked, her cunt still pronged by Roger's exploring finger. The juices ran like piss down her pussy tunnel, leaking down the insides of her thighs.

She could hear the squish as his finger pushed gently but determinedly into the wetness of her snatch, and she gasped again with each thrust. His hand cupped her cunt, and there was a constant pressure against the swollen node of her clitoris. It throbbed responsively. _All_ of Tricia Miller was throbbing right now.

"I couldn't," she repeated, almost believing her own words.

On the bed, she glanced to left and right, saw the mirrored image of what was happening. Her own body seemed to glow. Roger was feeding upon one tit, Kate upon the other. She had Roger's dick in one clutching fist, the other hand working between Kate's thighs, massaging the rubbery, excited pussy lips, the swollen clitoris. They bore her down backwards and they fell upon her like vultures in a feeding mood.

She twisted to one side and took Roger's long hard prick in both hands, staring for a moment at the big red knob. Down below, Kate was sliding into position between Tricia's legs, rubbing her cheeks along the tingly thigh interiors, blowing warmly through the ruffled pussyhairs.

"Are you _sure_ this is gonna help my marriage?" she asked tensely, squeezing Roger's cock. A big bubble of pre-cum emerged from the slit and hung like a glass bead.

"I'm positive," Kate promised. "Have I ever lied to you, honey?"

The tip of her tongue flicked against Tricia's clit, and the blonde wife squirmed, her body filling with heat, her eyes full of the big hard prick she was holding in both hands. She gulped, then leaned toward Roger and let her tongue scoop up that dangling bubble of pre-cum.

There! She'd done it! She'd licked another man's dick, and the sky had not fallen upon her!

She pressed her mouth against his hardened rod and kissed passionately at his bulbous tip, feeling the excitement that surged within his steely flesh. Her lips parted wetly and his prick slid into Tricia's mouth. Saliva flowed like a river and she felt herself begin to suck responsively at Roger's cock.

Kate was eating pussy with a vengeance now, showing her own arousal with every lick into the heated slice of Tricia's cunt. Her eyes closed, Trish sucked warmly at the tip of Roger's cock, drawing it across her tongue in short lapping gulps. Cum was already dripping from the slitted opening, and it fell in little hot bubbles onto her tongue.

She opened her mouth a bit wider, and the barrel of his cock entered her lips. He wasn't as thickly-dicked as Ken, she realized as soon as she got him inside her mouth, but he was at least a couple of inches longer. She didn't think she could swallow him but she was damn sure going to try.

It felt strange to be sucking the cock of another woman's husband, but the fact that Kate was eating her pussy like a wolf left Tricia feeling a lot less self-conscious about it all.

Wouldn't Ken shit if he could see her now! Would he still be telling her to loosen up? Tricia giggled around the long hard cock that filled her mouth so plentifully and she sucked harder, pulling him deeper and deeper, until the tip of his prick thrust against the back of her throat and she gagged in sudden surprise.

"Ahhhhh..." she groaned, but it was a groan of pleasure, and her hot drool bathed his cock as it pulsated inside her mouth.

She was sucking in earnest now, her desires stoked to almost unbearable intensity. She hadn't intended to do this. God, no! All she'd wanted to do was talk to Kate about her newfound problems. But now that it was actually happening, she would not, _could not_ make it stop.

Kate fucked fingers and tongue simultaneously into Tricia's cunt. There was an animalistic savagery to the way Kate Parker ate a pussy. Tricia had never felt anything quite like this from a man's mouth.

Maybe it was true. Maybe women did eat women better than men ever could. Tricia moaned throatily around the cock that filled her mouth, a tremulous little orgasm ripping through her snatch and into Kate's face.

Trish locked her teeth behind the edges of Roger's swollen cock knob and she tongued and sucked him voraciously with both her fists wrapped around his length, stroking him up and down.

She pumped the cock eagerly, tasting driblets of his cum, squirting out of his bulb when the prick found itself too full to hold all the stuff inside. It was hot juicy cum, a little saltier than Ken's, but God, did it taste good on her tongue!

Her pussy got wetter -much wetter -and stickier, too. From the corner of her eye she saw that Kate was pouring wine from the bottle onto Trish's twat, licking it up as fast as she spilled it out.

"Give me that thing," Tricia mumbled, her mouth so full of cock she could hardly speak. Kate got the message and handed the bottle up with a giggle.

Tricia upended it, slopping the stuff onto Roger's cock. It splattered the sheets, but Trish didn't give a shit. They weren't _her_ sheets, were they? And wine was surely the most innocent thing that had ever stained these bedsheets ...

The last gulp of the wine she poured into her mouth, swigging it down and feeling the warmth go straight to her belly, then directly to her brain.

"I'm drunk," she announced. "That must be why I'm doing this." She tossed the empty bottle aside and returned to Roger's prick.

"Sure, honey," Kate assured her, sounding a million miles away while Tricia began to suck Roger's cock once more.

The bed began to rock hard beneath the threesome. Trish heard Kate's moans and groans, and, without missing a slurp on the prick in her mouth, she glanced downward again. What a slut! Kate had retrieved the wine bottle and she was using one hand to guide its long skinny neck into her wet-lipped cunt even as she continued to lick and suck and fingerfuck Trish's throbbing pussy!

She fucked herself hard, showing no more mercy to her snatch than her mouth was giving to Tricia's pussy. Trish sighed, thinking of the hours that she and Kate had wasted in discussing clothes, recipes, the people they had known in high school. If only she'd known that Kate was such a provocative whore, they could have been having some fun all these many months!!!

Trish kept on gulping at Roger's dick, smacking her lips as the thing worked in and out of her mouth. She was taking him deeper now, straining a little, but she knew she was going to swallow the whole thing any second now ... any second now ...

Jesus!!! He thrust, and suddenly her throat was full of his pulsating cock. She didn't know whether to shit, wind her watch, or strangle. She settled for sucking.

Now that he'd plumbed the depth of her throat, he began to fuck Trish's face, shoving hard with his cock. He was still dribbling out spurtles of jizz, a hot milky splatter of fuck snot.

She savored the taste and wolfed him for more of it. If he didn't waste all his load in these little bubbly squirts, she was due to get herself a fucking mouthful!

Kate howled as the bottle penetrated her again and again. She'd stopped playing with Tricia's cunt and was devoting all her attention to herself.

"Oh, fuck," she growled, "I need it sooo bad..."

Tricia was down on Roger's balls now, licking them while she used her hand on his cock, making sure that big sweet fucker stayed big and long and hard. His meat pulsated inside her fist, excitement beating through his cum-vein, transmitting itself straight into Tricia Miller.

"Lemme have some too," Kate said, edging her way in. Trish moved aside and Kate began to devour her husband's erection. She fed it all the way into her gullet, sucking loudly as she gobbled him. Her drool ran down the shaft as she bobbed on his prick.

Tricia crawled up and offered her tits to Roger. He took them greedily, squeezing, sucking, pinching the erected nipples until Tricia's eyes watered and she made little whiny cries that said "Nooo ... " but meant "Yessss ... "

He pulled her to him and tried to swallow the nearest of her matching 38-Cs, his mouth straining widely to make room for tit.

"Fuck us, Roger," Kate demanded, sitting up.

"Christ," Roger sighed, "I really don't have time. I'm gonna be late for my appointment ... "

"Your cock, my asshole," Kate replied. "Do those concepts mean anything to you? Oh, come on, Rog, you've gotten me and Trish too hot and bothered to stop. If you don't fuck us, we're gonna have to get out the dildoes. All this talk about ass-fucking, all this cunting around has got me crawling out of my clit!"

Trish squirmed, her tit still jammed into Roger's mouth. She wasn't sure she was ready for anything as close to real adultery as fucking her best friend's husband. But, she rationalized, Kate was her best friend, wasn't she? And she'd demanded that Roger fuck _us_. And _us_ includes _me_! Tricia thought.

Roger came up, his cock preceding the rest of his body by a good nine inches. The sight of his long skinny prick in full erection excited Tricia, almost as much as seeing her own husband with a ripe hot bone-on for her. Well, she thought, Ken had demanded that she loosen up, hadn't he? She just hoped this was what he meant by it.

"Get the K-Y," Roger said.

"Fuck the K-Y," Kate replied. "If you can't put it in me dry, don't put it in me at all. Mmmm, baby, I'm fucking ready!!!"

Trish moved out of the way while Kate went onto her knees, her gorgeous ass sticking up high and inviting. Roger went down on it first, nuzzling her cunt with his face and lips, licking her little backdoor bud as well.

He tested it with his finger, and he said, "It feels a little looser than usual. Has somebody been sticking things in you already, hon?"

Tricia giggled. "It was me," she confessed, but by that time she'd found the wine bottle Kate had discarded. She studied it curiously.

She'd never masturbated with objects before, but the neck of the bottle was long and suggestively shaped, and it gleamed with Kate's pussy juices. She tested it with her tongue to confirm that it was pussygoo indeed which made the bottle shimmer and glisten, and the taste of Kate's cunt made her hotter than ever.

As Roger moved into position behind Kate, Trish was already stroking her cuntal gash with the tip of the bottle. It should have felt cold, but Kate had warmed it up a great deal inside her twat. It was very hard, and she felt as if she were bruising her pussy lips with it, but she didn't stop stroking herself. Her wet, slippery labes parted.

Trish bit her lip as she began to insert the bottle. This is so fucking nutty, she told herself, blushing that she could do something like this even in front of friends.

Of course, Kate and Roger weren't paying much attention to what Tricia was doing. Tricia wasn't even aware that Roger had slipped his cock into his wife's anus until she heard the croaking gasp from Kate and she looked up, in time to see the long skinny barrel of that prick sliding into Kate's tight backdoor hole.

Trish winced at the sight, but Kate wasn't complaining. "Ooohhh, my asshole," she panted, "fuck my motherfucking asshole!!!"

He began to pound his cock into her. She jerked with each thrust but she took it deep and came back for more. "Yes, yesssss!!!" she shrieked. "Oh, fucking yessssss!!!"

Tricia moaned too, matching Roger's cock thrusts with the drive of the wine bottle up her own snatch. The cylindrical object banged deeply into her pussy, until the swell of the body made it impossible to push the bottle any deeper. She ground it against her cunt, the end rotating deep inside her, and she flogged her throbbing clit with the fingers of her other hand while she fucked herself.

"This is how you do it, baby," Kate was groaning as she took her husband's backdoor reaming with a smile and a scream. "One big hard cock, one hot asshole ... made for each other!"

Tricia was fucking herself harder, giving the bottle a full, stabbing plunge each time, and she had synchronized her wrist action with the drillbit thrust of Roger's cock into Kate's asshole, so that each time her friend got it, Trish got it too, and their chorused moaning cries rose into the air, growing more and more abandoned and horny.

Roger was riding Kate hard, his hands busy on her tits, her cunt. He was fingerfucking her while he speared her ass, and from the squirming she did beneath him, Trish knew it was only a matter of seconds until her friend exploded in orgasm. Shit, Trish was about to come her guts out, too!

"Now, goddamn it, now!!!" Kate screamed, collapsing beneath Roger. He fell heavily upon her, his cock ramming in and out of her tight booty, and she jerked and writhed beneath him.

The tip of his cock burrowed deep into her guts while his fingers pinched the fuck out of her hot hard clit, and almost at the same moment Kate whimpered into her orgasm beneath Roger, Trish gurgled into a come of her own, her pussy walls clenching spastically around the inserted length of the stiff bottle neck.

Her cunt clenched and contracted, and the bottle seemed to spit straight out of Trish. She covered her pussy with her hands, rubbing it harder and harder, making that goddamn orgasm last and last and last!

"Oh, Jesus," she said, stretching out her long legs, "oh fucking Jesus ... "

Roger Parker turned to her, his cock sticking straight out, its length rubbed raw and red by its session inside his wife's tight anus. "I guess it's your turn now, right, Trish?" he said, reaching for her hand.

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Man with a 'tash

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Apropos nothing...

In the U.K., some 90 percent of adults admitted to having some form of sexual interaction in the office.
So when someone refers to their manager as 'that fucker' they may very well be technically correct!

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