Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Chuck and the Young War Widow

Single chapter

Written by Kristen 

This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2004. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
By rougher63 (

I'm Chuck, Second Lieutenant Charles H. Howard, United States Air Force Reserve. I had driven from Auburn, Alabama to Patrick Air Force Base south of Cocoa Beach, Florida immediately after graduation and commissioning at Auburn. When I got to Cocoa Beach, I had changed into a newly pressed uniform and made sure my shoes were shined when I reported in to the base headquarters.

I presented my orders and signed in. The sergeant sent me to a room where I had a military ID card made. I imagined he chuckled, shavetail.

I did all the housekeeping things to come on duty. I went to the housing office where I received a BOQ assignment and room key. Then I went to vehicle registration where I got my car registered and a Patrick Air Force Base blue sticker. I found the BOQ, a two-story buff colored building.

I found my room on the second floor. It was fourteen by twenty feet long. It had a bed, a desk, a dresser, two chairs, a night table, and two lamps. I was surprised that I had a private bath. I looked in the small closet. It was adequate for my uniforms. It wasn't luxurious, but it was convenient and inexpensive. The floor had a carpet and the temperature was nice and cool. A set of sheets sat on the bed and there were two washcloths, two hand towels, and two bath towels in the bathroom.

It was time to check in to my unit. I walked from the BOQ back to headquarters. I went to the Personnel Section and reported in to Major Law. Major Law was average height and average weight. His desk was clean. He didn't look too bright, but he looked like he was all business.

"Welcome to Patrick Air Force Base. Your office is in the Base Library. We haven't had a Base Education Officer for a while. Sergeant Crouch can show you what you need to know," he said.

Not the warmest welcome I ever received. He must of looked at my records.

"Did you meet Sergeant Sterner, my NCOIC?" he asked.

"No sir."

"Nancy, could you ask Sergeant Sterner to come in?" he asked.

Sergeant Sterner came in. He was six feet and about a hundred eighty pounds. He looked a lot like Major Law. "Yes sir."

"Sterner, this is Lieutenant Howard, the new education officer. Call Crouch and tell him the lieutenant is on his way over. Have an airman show him over to the library."

"Yes sir."

Major Law said, "Come back when you've met Sergeant Couch and I will take you over to the Officer's Club and get you signed in. You can get your meals there. If you need anything else, I imagine Sergeant Crouch or Sergeant Sterner will be able to handle it."

I replied, "Yes sir." I left with Sergeant Sterner.

Sergeant Sterner called Sergeant Crouch and had an airman walk me the three blocks to the Base Library. The base library looked much like the BOQ. It was a two-story buff colored building.

Sergeant Crouch was a short, slight man. He introduced me to a female airman second class, Cynthia Freed, the office specialist. He showed me a small office. He was friendly and helpful, "You aren't my first brand new second lieutenant. My job is to make you look good."

I said, "And my job is to listen to you, take care of you, and stay out of your way. Right?"

He said, "I've heard that said before." He smiled.

At least somebody knows what going on. Cynthia doesn't look too bright. Crouch looks like a guy from the sticks who looks dumb, but isn't.

The sergeant looked at me and said, "You need to be here at nine o'clock sharp. The major is a stickler for that. You can sign anything that needs to be signed. You need to be available by phone on base during the duty day. It's a good idea, but not required, that you come by at sixteen hundred. Is that what you wanted to know?"

"Yes, thank you. Exactly, I need to know what to do and not to do."

"It's best not to be in the O Club Bar until after duty hours. The gym and your BOQ are the best places to be when you are away from here. One morning a week, play golf. That's a physical training activity. Every unit is supposed to do PT once a week. If you are going off base, let me know and I can let Sergeant Sterner know that you're off base. Tomorrow I can tell you about the job."

"Can I get a refrigerator for my room in the BOQ?"

He said, "A fifth of good bourbon to the housing NCO will do it."

"How do I do that?"

"I can take care of it."

I gave him ten dollars for the booze.

"The major is taking me to the O Club to sign in and get registered for the Officer's Open Mess," I said.

"I would be a good idea to say that you were thinking about taking some classes and maybe going for the University of Oklahoma's graduate degree in Human Resources. That's our favored graduate program. The major is a stickler for dress. Be careful what you wear on base and to the O Club. Don't even look at wives and EWs. I would minimize contact with the major and Sterner. Both are very career by the book types."

"Thank you very much. I will try to stay out of your way. And you can use the office, whenever I'm gone."

"Thank you sir. I think we are going to get along fine," Crouch said and smiled.

I went to the BX and purchased household items and snacks.

At four, I returned to Major Law's office.

At 08:45, I checked in with Sergeant Crouch and went into my office. It took less than an hour for him to explain everything I needed to know about the office. He introduced me to the people in the library and I sat in my office.

After lunch, I signed up for group golf lessons and bought clubs and golf shoes. Continuing with the fitness theme, I went to the base gym and rented a locker. I purchased four sets of khaki uniforms and another pair of low quarter shoes. It checked back in at the office at four.

I was very glad to see that my refrigerator was in my BOQ room when came in from the office. I drove to supper and afterwards purchased a case Cokes in two quart glass bottles. I got chips and dip. I paid for my purchases at the O Club Annex and loaded them in the car.

I stayed in the office the first week and read everything about our programs. By Friday, I was bored stiff. Friday afternoon, Major Law visited and asked, "How are you doing?"

"Sergeant Crouch provided me with reading material covering our operation. I will be up to speed soon." My uniform was freshly pressed and my shoes properly shined.

He said, "Everything looks good." He left.

Sergeant Crouch gave me the thumbs up. "He'll be back in two weeks and that will be it. Sterner will tell him if anything's wrong after that."

Friday nights, the O Club had a fancy seafood buffet. It wasn't crowded at five when I went. I went early to avoid the crowds and not to be seen.

Later that night, I got bored and wandered back to the club bar. There weren't many people my age in the bar. So much for swinging Friday nights at the club.

At the BX, I purchased a radio, a tape player and earphones with a long cord. I started on the recommended books to read list I saw in a magazine. It was going to be a long four years, but I wasn't in Vietnam.

Saturday, I worked out in the gym and read. Saturday night's group at the O Club bar was no better than Friday's. I turned in early. The humidity was high and I wanted to exercise early anyway.

Monday, Sergeant Crouch cleared Tuesday mornings PT for me with Sterner. I worked out at the gym for an hour Monday afternoon. I returned to the office before four and then went to the BOQ.

Tuesday morning I had my first golf lesson. After my lesson, I hit practice balls for an hour and was in the office by 11:30. I ate lunch at the O Club then returned to the office. At two, I went to the gym and worked out for an hour. I got back to the office before four. Walking in the heat and humidity ruined the press in my uniforms. I bought an iron and spray starch at the BX.

That evening, a new second lieutenant moved into a room in the BOQ near me. He introduced himself. "Dave Ozag. I'm an accountant. I just graduated from Maryland."

"Chuck Howard. I've been here a week. I'm from Auburn. I'm an education officer."

"I guess that makes me junior. Speaking of education, do you have an MBA program? I want to get my CPA and an MBA on my first tour," Dave asked.

"We have part-time night programs. Rollins has accounting classes and an MBA. The University of Oklahoma has a MS in Human Resources. The Oklahoma program is on most bases so you can finish it almost anywhere. You would have to finish the Rollins program here. Stetson has a part-time program at the Merritt Island High School. It's not a part of our program. That's about it."

"Where's the action?"

"My sergeant suggested the Mousetrap or the Astronauts Lounge in Cape Canaveral. There weren't any young women at the O Club last weekend, I can tell you that."

"Doesn't sound good for women. Maybe I can finish my educational requirements," Dave said.

I went in every morning to my office by eight fortyfive, except Tuesday mornings, when I had the golf lesson. After my lesson, I hit practice balls or played nine holes. I was back before lunch everyday. This is tough duty. Some of the Army ROTC Auburn grads are getting ready to go to Vietnam. I have to tough out going in at nine, having an air-conditioned room across from the ocean, and working out everyday. Keep that in mind when you get bored.

At lunch, Dave asked, "Are you career?"

I laughed, "I finished next to last in my four week ROTC training. Education officer isn't exactly a promising career field. In September, I start the graduate program in human resources because it's free and I get comp time for doing it. Sergeant Crouch says that they don't usually transfer people in the degree program, so I imagine I will be taking classes. If I'm lucky enough to stay here all four years, I don't know what I will do when I get out."

Dave said, "If I pass the CPA exam, I may try to make it to twenty. There is a special officer career field for CPAs that's not bad. An accountant's job is pretty much the same everywhere."

I said, "We can eat supper at the club, but it's mostly retired folks. We'll not get our ashes hauled from there."

Dave and I ate lunch together at the open mess everyday. The dining room looked out on the ocean.

Dave said, "Let's go to Cape Canaveral Friday night."

We gave up quickly on picking up nurses. The zoomies (Air Force Academy grads who were pilots) got all of attractive single women on base.

Dave was nine to five, five days a week. The controller didn't go for PT comp.

Dave said, "We have to do something to find some women." Friday night, Dave and I went to the Mousetrap but didn't do any good. It had been a wild place when the astronauts lived in Cocoa Beach. It looked tired now.

I was feeling like a monk.

I worked out and played golf in the early evening. It was too damn hot to play during the middle part of the day anyway. I should have a better bod and be able to play after four years.

One Tuesday morning, the starter put me with two ladies to play nine holes. They were nice looking ladies in their middle forties. "Blanche Gainer, my husband is the flight surgeon."

"Alice Davis, my husband is Base Legal Officer."

"Second Lieutenant Chuck Howard, I'm the Education Officer. I'm a beginner. Will that bother you?"

Mrs. Gainer said, "We play like beginners."

Blanche hit the ball straight down the middle about one hundred yards. Alice sculled her drive about thirty yards from the tee. I sliced into the deep rough. "We have room for improvement," I said.

Blanche and Alice laughed.

We enjoyed playing together. "Do you play everyday?" Blanche asked.

"No ma'am. I have a group lesson on Tuesday mornings and play at nine or hits balls then. I play sometimes in the later afternoons. I have to be at the office before lunch on Tuesdays."

On hole eight Blanche asked, "Would you like to play with us next week?"

I said, "Yes ma'am. I would like that very much."

"I'll get us a tee time," she said.

During the next week's round, Blanche asked, "Are you married?"

"Not married and no girlfriend. From the way things are going, it looks like a permanent condition."

Blanche said, "Would you like to have lunch with us at the club next week?"

We played the next week much like before. I got a little better each week. I arrived at the O Club at 11:55. Blanche introduced a cute blond woman, about my age, "Sally Cousins, may I present Chuck Howard? You can talk in line. Let's get beat the noon rush."

I walked behind Sally and we went through the buffet line and sat at a table.

"Sally goes to Florida," Blanche said.


"I forgive you. My vet is from Auburn," Sally said.

We ate and chatted. Blanche and Alice left us to go to the ladies' room. Everyone knew the three women.

Sally said, "Aunt Blanche likes you. That speaks well for you."

"She's your aunt?" I asked.

"Not really. I have known her all my life. Her father, grandfather and husband went to West Point. Same with my family. We're regulars."

I asked, "Is your father in the service?"

"Yes he is. Aunt Blanche wanted me to help you understands the customs of the service," she said.

"And I thought she was fixing me up with a pretty girl. I really had my hopes up," I said.

Sally said, "Thank you. You really don't have any idea who I am, do you?"

More men spoke to Sally as we waited for Blanche and Alice to return. "No offense, but you do know a lot of men."

Sally laughed, "My father is the wing commander."

"Sally, I'm an education officer. I'm not rated and I finished next to last at ROTC camp. I am not career material. Thank Mrs. Gainer, but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."

"Damn, you are from Auburn," Sally said.

"And proud of it."

We both grinned.

Blanche and Alice returned. "Aunt Blanche, Chuck saw through us. He did ask me to play golf with you, if that's all right."

"Honey, you know you are always welcome. Friday is lobster night." Blanche looked at me.

I looked at Sally and she nodded slightly. "Sally, would you join me for lobster night?"

On the way out, Sally showed me how to make reservations for lobster night.

When I picked her up Friday night, I met her mother. She was less than thrilled to see me.

All the zoomies knew her and spoke to her Friday night at the club. I asked, "Why aren't you out with one of them? It seems a better match."

"You mean a zoomie? I date one that just graduated. He's in pilot training. We aren't engaged so I can go out causally."

I asked, "But almost engaged?"

She nodded. "That's why my mom was a little distant tonight. I can introduce you to some nice girls, who were in my class at Satellite High. Most are going back to school in the fall though. I'll look around for somebody not too selective or doesn't know about Auburn."

We danced. "You're a terrific date, but I think we should get you back early. I don't want you to get in any trouble or get a bad reputation for being seen with an Auburn man."

"You really aren't afraid of my father, are you?"

"Not really, I'm pretty far down the pole from him."

Sally said, "I had a good time too. But you were right; we should get back. You are sweet."

Tuesday morning, Sally beat us all rather easily. I said, "You play well. I play every day about fourfifteen. Anytime, you are welcome to join me. There aren't many people out in the late afternoon."

Sally surprised me. She came out twice that week. The third time, she brought a tall muscular girl with her. "Peggy Williams, may I present Chuck Howard."

"Hi, Peggy. Are you as good a golfer as Sally?"

Sally said, "Actually, she's better. Peggy was on the team at Satellite. She can give you some pointers."

"I can use all the help I can get."

On the third hole, Peggy said, "If you would like a suggestion. You need to turn your hips more."

I liked the feel of her hands on my hips as she showed me what she meant.

After nine holes, Sally said, "I have to go. Why don't you all play the back nine?"

Peggy and I walked the back nine. "Have you played at Eau Galle?" she asked.

"No, I've only played here. I am a beginner."

"A year's ticket there is a hundred dollars. The course is longer and more open. The county bought it when the developer went under. I think you'd like it. It's really close to here, just across the causeway."

"I just got my first pay. I have a little left over. I could afford to take you to the O Club."

Peggy said, "No, but tomorrow, we could play Eau Galle and I'll fix you supper. I'm got a job teaching at the junior high across the street from the course and just got an apartment near the course. I plan on playing the course a lot."

"Sounds like a deal," I said.

After we finished the round, Peggy walked to her car. "I'll look forward to tomorrow."

"I'll bring some steaks and fixings in a cooler," I said.

The commissary was very crowded. I got nice steaks, potato salad, coleslaw, potato chips, lettuce, tomatoes, and salad dressing for the next day. I bought milk, cereal, orange juice, paper plates and plastic utensils. I'm glad I have the refrigerator. I should eat breakfast and a light supper in the room instead of going to the club at night.

I left for lunch a little early and got ice from the machine in the BOQ rec room. I walked with Dave to the O Club for lunch. I told Dave about supper. He said, "See if she has a friend. I've got a divorcee in my CPA review class that told me that she will haul my ashes if I help her pass. I'm going to go for it. You won't be seeing me around much."

I hurried to the BOQ after work. I changed clothes and loaded the cooler with the steak and fixings. I drove over the new bridge to the course on the mainland. Peggy was in pro shop. "Hi Peggy." I was really glad to see her. She had a set of wheels.

I purchased a year's ticket for the golf course and we shared a bucket of practice balls. "I'm glad you signed up," she said.

The first hole was very tight. A mosquito drainage ditch ran down the right side, not far off the fairway. I aimed left and ended up in the short left rough. Peggy played the men's tee with me. She ended up in the middle of the fairway about a hundred fifty yards from the green.

"Not bad. Neither of us are in trouble," she said.

I hit short of the hole then pitched on and two putted for a bogey. Peggy hit the middle of the green with her second shot and two putted for a par.

Peggy was right. The course was more fun than Patrick. Peggy beat me easily, but we had a good time.

We left the course and I followed her car to Wickham Oaks Apartments. I parked in the back in the visitors' area. The apartments were two two-story buildings that faced each other across a courtyard. There was a pool in the middle of the courtyard. Peggy had a one-bedroom apartment on the east side. Four people were sitting and talking around a picnic table by the pool when we came in. They spoke when we walked by. It seemed to be a friendly place.

I brought the cooler and supplies in. Peggy asked, "Do you mind if I get a quick shower?"

While Peggy was showered, I washed the lettuce and tomatoes. I cut the tomatoes and made a tossed salad.

"If you want to freshen up, feel free?"

I showered while she cooked the steaks. After I showered, I changed into clean underwear and a clean knit shirt. I came into the kitchen when I was dressed. "I feel much better. It is humid here."

"These are nice steaks. Do you want a beer?"

"I'd just as soon have water, but feel free to have beer if you want it."

Peggy said, "I like a beer after a round. Thanks for bringing everything. I didn't expect this much. That was very nice."

"Thanks for having me over. It's a nice change from the BOQ."

"It's not fixed up. You're the first person I've had over." Peggy closed the blinds and lit the candle. "Kind of dumb. But I wanted candlelight for my first dinner here."

"I think it is very nice." The food is good too.

After we ate, Peggy excused herself to go to the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom, I cleaned the skillet.

"You didn't have to do that."

When she walked close, we kissed. I was surprised she responded as much as she did. My cock went hard immediately. I though she might hear my heart thumping.

Very softly she said, "Chuck, I lost my husband in Vietnam. We had practically grown up together. I'm not ready to get serious."

"Sorry. It must be tough."

"Yeah. I miss him so."

"We don't have to be in a hurry. We can be golfing buddies or whatever feels right." I still held her. When she looked up I kissed her tenderly.

"That feels so good. I'm horny as hell. I really have to watch myself. I can't believe I said that."

"You are a very nice person, horny or not."

She laughed. "And you won't take advantage of me."

I said, "I hate to disappoint you, but I don't know enough about women to take advantage or probably know when I am. I know you feel good and I like you."

She looked up and we kissed. She molded against me. I felt her grind against me.

"We have to stop." She pulled back.

I kissed her lightly on the lips and down her neck.

"We have to stop. You are the first since person to kiss me since."

I asked, "Hamburgers tomorrow?"

She hesitated, "I'm not sure I'm ready for this."

"I'll bring the hamburgers and buns."

Peggy nodded.

I stopped at the commissary and got five pounds of ground sirloin. Sometimes the smallest commissary's portions were huge. In my room, I wrapped the meat into smaller packages and put it in the refrigerator. I drove to the O Club and got a case of Miller High Life, Peggy's brand.

I was on the practice tee when the range opened at 0700. I hit balls for an hour and then got ready for the office. At nine, I had a surprise visit from Major Law.

He came in and shut the door. "We need to have an off the record talk."

"Yes sir."

"I hear you have interesting golfing buddies."


"Colonel Davis called and asked about you."

"Sir, I have never done anything improper with Mrs. Davis. I have never been alone with her or said anything even remotely off color."

"I didn't, nor did he, suggest you did. Thank goodness for that. You've played golf with the wives of two of the most senior staff and the wing commander's daughter. He wanted to know what kind of man you are. Watch yourself."

"Yes sir. Sally going back to school soon. We only played golf sir. She has a boyfriend in pilot training. She was being nice to show me around as a favor to Mrs. Gainer."

"Can I tell her father that?"

"Sir, you could also tell him, she introduced me, or really set me up, with a friend."

Major Law smiled. "Whoa. I feel much better. But watch your step. Having friends that are wives of husbands in high places backfires sometimes."

"We play nine holes, once a week. We ate lunch once at the O Club. That's it. Mrs. Gainer introduced me to Sally."

Major Law left.

Sergeant Crouch came in after Law left. I made a come on gesture.

"Watch out, but if you stopped playing with them, it would be much worse. There are more gossips here than you can believe."

"The ladies are nice. I enjoy walking around the course with them. I had no idea who Sally was when we met."

That afternoon, I played a little bit better. Peggy seemed a little more relaxed too.

When we got back to the apartment, she said. "You didn't have to get beer. You got enough meat for an army."

"It only came in large amounts. I wanted to get ground sirloin."

"There is Publix?"

"I wanted an excuse to come back."

She went to the shower while I formed four meat patties and made the salad. I had everything ready for her when she came in the kitchen. I handed her a beer from my cooler and went to the shower.

I showered quickly while she cooked the meat.

I ate two burgers and half of one of hers. We didn't talk much during supper.

No candles this time.

The atmosphere was charged in the kitchen. After we cleaned up the kitchen, I kissed her. She responded with passion again.

"I promised myself, I wouldn't do that. I'm out of control." She had tears in her eyes.

I kissed her very softly. The kiss turned passionate with lip biting and heavy breathing. I felt her longing. I was turned on too. I wanted her so much.

Peggy was a big girl with very muscular legs. Her breasts weren't tiny, but they weren't very large either. I felt her nipples as she leaned against my chest.

A few more kisses and my hands were under her blouse. I loved the feel of her breasts and the way she purred when I stroked them. We undressed in the kitchen. I picked her up and carried her to bed.

"God, that feels so good." She moved hard against me as we moved together the first time.

The second time she was on top. She had a huge orgasm. "I needed that. Heaven help me, but I really needed that. It has been so long."

The third time, she got on her hands and knees and I stood beside the bed. We pounded each other hard. She smiled, "That was enjoyable."

We cuddled for a while. The last time, we made love. We were lovers, sharing and exploring. Still, she couldn't give herself totally to me.

At the door, she said, "I have to think. I'm not going to be at the course tomorrow. I'm going home."

I didn't know how I felt about Peggy. The sex was part was great and I liked being around her. But she was confused and so was I. I hadn't had much experience with women. And I felt I had taken advantage of her.

I pulled myself out of bed very early Friday. I exercised and was on the practice tee at 0700. I hit balls for an hour and tried to sort out my feelings for Peggy. I didn't get very far.

At 0900, Sally called. "Mrs. Gainer and I want to talk to you. Be at the club at 11:50."

"Yes ma'am." I knew the topic was the widow Peggy.

Blanche and Sally were waiting just inside the door at the club. I was on time.

Blanche said, "Smile. We are not going to castrate you." Leave it to Blanche to put things in perspective.

We sat in the main dining room at a reserved table near the window. Blanche sat facing me. Sally faced the ocean.

Blanche said, "Smile. They gossip around here a lot."

Sally said, "A widow called me very late last night. She was very worried that she had become a slut. And this is not the time to say you don't know what I am talking about. This is serious."

I said, "I don't think of her that way."

Blanche said, "Good boy."

"I had Terrell, clear time for you with Dr. Anne Jacobs. She is a psychiatrist, who I actually like. Would you talk to her? Peggy is a close friend and we don't want anything bad to happen to her."

"I don't either."

"We knew we could count on you. I still like you," Blanche said.

"I'm not so sure," Sally said. But she smiled a little.

A full colonel walked up behind Blanche. As I stood, I heard her murmur. "I was afraid of this."

"Uncle Terrell, how nice to see you." Sally offered her check to him.

Blanche stood and said, "Colonel Gainer, may I present Lieutenant Howard. Terrell did you want to join us."

He nodded at me. "Thank you Blanche. It's always nice to see you Sally."

I am in big trouble.

Blanche said, "Terrell, I want you to put on your doctor's hat. What we are talking about is confidential."

"I don't know if I can do that, besides you know our confidentiality rules are different," he said. He looked at Sally.

"It doesn't involve Sally."

He was visibly relieved. "Okay. It's confidential. Although this isn't the best place to discuss anything confidential."

He sat facing Blanche. He took a bite of sandwich.

"The subject is the widow Peggy Williams and Chuck. Chuck is going to see Ann at 1400 to talk about how to best help Peggy. Sally and I like Chuck. He is a gentleman. We are confident he will do what is best for Peggy."

Colonel Gainer looked at Chuck and nodded. "We think a lot of Peggy, even if her father hadn't been the Eastern Test Range Commander and CG. All of us would do whatever is necessary to help her."

I took his meaning. Castration and emasculation were back on the table.

"Terrell, I repeat. Sally and I think a lot of Chuck. Sally introduced them. Isn't that right Sally?"

"Yes, Aunt Blanche."

Blanche looked at the colonel until he said, "Yes dear."

The colonel ate quickly and said, "I have to get back."

I stood and he left.

I smiled and said, "No pressure, right."

I told Crouch where I was going and drove to the other side of the base where the dispensary and doctors' offices were. I parked near Dr. Jacobs' office. I was early and nervous.

At 1355, I saw Peggy leaving Dr. Jacobs' office. I waited until she had gone and went into the receiving area.

I was with Dr. Jacobs for almost an hour. I told her as exactly as I could the truth.

I returned to the office and called Sally. "Saturday morning, I want us to meet. I want to talk to Peggy. I want you to call her and then give me the phone."

Sally said, "I don't know if I can do that."

"You started this. You need to help."

We met at the library Saturday morning. Sally called Peggy, handed me the phone and waived as she left. "Hi Peggy," I said.

She adjusted to who was on the phone. "Hi."

"I saw you leaving Dr. Jacob's office as I came in. So I know you were there. I want to talk."

She said, "Is that all you want?"

"No, it's not. Not really."

"Did you want to see me?"

"Very much so."

"I want to see you too. My apartment?"

"I'll meet you there."

When we were in the apartment, Peggy said, "Did you know I went back after you met with Dr. Jacobs?"

I said, "No, I didn't. She didn't tell me that she had seen you before me and I didn't say anything about it either. I thought maybe she wouldn't say anything about you. I liked her. I hope she can help."

"Me too. She told me that I was fortunate that you were a caring person and that you liked me."

"You have a lot of people who care about you. I had lunch with Blanche Gainer and Sally. Colonel Gainer joined us. We all like you."

"I feel really guilty," Peggy said.

I nodded.

"I want it more now that I ever did before. Ever. Can you understand why that would make me feel bad? You look at me and I'm gone."

I looked at her. She smiled, "Unfair."

I pulled her hand onto my hard cock.

"I'm afraid, I'm not any better. I want you so much now I can't stand it."

"I'm not sure this talk was a good idea," she said.

"Do you feel this way with everybody else?" I asked very softly. I was afraid of the answer.

"I'm afraid to kiss anybody and find out."

I kissed her and two minutes later we were naked in the bed going at it hot and heavy.

When we had both caught our breath, she asked, "Have you ever felt like this about anyone else?"

I decided to tell the truth. "Once, my first love, but it only lasted for three months."

She asked, "How many lovers have you had?"

"You're my third."

"Tell me about your second."

"A really nice girl. I liked her a lot. I thought I loved her. When we went to bed, I was disappointed. I tried and tried, but it was nothing like when I was with the girl before. I was afraid that it meant I wasn't really in love and I was afraid it won't get better. We evidentially broke up. I don't know why the chemistry was bad."

"You're my second. And it is hotter, much hotter than with my husband. That bothers me a lot. Dr. Jacobs and I talked about that."

"It has never been better for me. Wouldn't it be nice if sex could be like this forever?" I asked.

"Yeah. Dr. Jacobs said it almost never is like this forever. Mature folks replace it with something almost as good, love."

I ran my fingers across Peggy's nipple. "I don't want to lose this feeling ever. I want as much of it as I can get."

Peggy rolled on top of me and put my hard cock in. "Me too."

When we had calmed, I asked, "Do you think we are just in lust?"

"I don't know about just, but we are in lust."

"Would you take me in your mouth?" I asked.

"This is going to be hard for me. I never did this before. I mean I kissed it, but never in," she said.

"I understand. I'm sorry I asked."

She moved down and said, "Okay little fellow. Here I come."

She licked the top. "I taste me." She took me in her mouth.

When I was hard, I moved behind her. She liked making love doggie and we did with great enthusiasm.

Then I went to sleep.

When I woke she said, "I have been thinking."

"And what have you decided?"

"About our relationship. Will you be faithful to me?"

I said, "Yes."

"I'm serious."

"Me too."

"I want you to stay in the BOQ."


She said, "Maybe not on the weekends." She smiled.

Until her school started, I came to her apartment for a nooner every day. On the weekends, we played a little golf and stayed in bed.

In the fall, I started the master's program. I was in class two nights every week. We met for a quickie after she got out of school. We played a round of golf and I went to class or I went back to the BOQ. From Friday afternoon until Monday morning, I stayed with her. We made love continuously. In January, Peggy started graduate classes to be a guidance counselor.

Our second summer, we enjoyed being together, but the sex wasn't as intense. Still we really enjoyed being together and the sex was good. In the fall, she decided to take three classes a semester to finish her guidance credential quicker.

In the spring, I took leave and we went on a cruise during her spring break. On the last night after we had made love, Peggy said, "This will be our last summer together. Can we really enjoy it?"

I knew she had decided that when I separated from the Air Force in the spring, she would not come with me.

"I will always love you. You rebuilt me. I owe you a lot. But I decided I don't want to marry you and have babies. Without babies, I don't want to get married."

I swallowed hard. "I won't beg you to get married. You know I love you."

"If it's any consolation, I feel more guilty and worse about this, than anything I have ever done. But I think I would be a bad wife. I'm going to apply to medical school. I want to be as psychiatrist."

I pulled away a little. Peggy felt it.

"Please don't. And you don't have to ask. There is no one else."

Peggy didn't mention that she felt my tears, but I knew she did. She rolled over and took my cock in her mouth.

We didn't enjoy the summer. She signed up for a bootstrap premed program for women at FIT in Melbourne. She was in class, lab or studying all the time. Organic chemistry I and lab for the first part of the summer and organic chemistry II and lab for the second part of the summer took all her time.

I took the AACSB common body of knowledge courses that weren't required by the scaled back Oklahoma masters program. I took marketing, accounting, and production courses that summer. I wanted to stay busy. My heart was breaking and I tried to concentrate on classes and staying busy.

I applied to doctoral programs in business policy at a number of colleges. Ole Miss and West Virginia were the only schools where I applied that were interested in me. In the fall, Peggy received her acceptance to the University of Florida's medical school. I accepted at Ole Miss.

Sally hosted a party for us before I separated from active duty, but it was more of a wake than a party. Everyone was really happy for Peggy and tried to work up some enthusiasm for me. I had a very nice fellowship and assistantship at Ole Miss and coupled with the GI Bill, I could live fairly well in Oxford. With a DBA in Business Policy, I would be employable at the tier two universities. It was better than I deserved.

I overheard Sally and Blanche talking in Sally's kitchen. "I feel for Chuck. He is such a kind hearted, nice guy. But Peggy's gone beyond him and it's time for her to move on without him."

Blanche said, "I don't know what to do. I even talked to Dr. Jacobs. She said to be supportive of both of them. She said it is very hard on Peggy too. I saw Ann talking to Chuck earlier tonight. He's almost like a son to me. It breaks my heart. It's all I can do not to cry."

On the ride home, Peggy asked, "Are you sorry you met me?"

I said, "No. I love you. I will always love you."

Peggy cooked steaks and we ate by candlelight in her small apartment like the first time. We made love. She tried her hardest for it to be the best.

Peggy loved me in her own way, but she knew I wasn't enough for her. And I wasn't from her world of the Air Force elite. She gave me all she could. The next morning, I left for Oxford, Mississippi.

Man with a 'tash

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Canal Street in Manchester, England, forms the centre of that city's gay village and has been the filming location for some very successful series.
Unsurprisingly, people find it amusing to blank-out the 'C' in the street's name.

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