Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Price of Too Much Debt

Ch. 4: Second Appointment, First Real Client Chapters: 1 2 3 4

Written by Kristen 

Then on Tuesday morning after the family had departed and as she was cleaning up the kitchen, the telephone rang.

"Hello," she replied without even thinking.

"Good morning Janet. Jackson here. I told you I would give you good warning so you can make up a good excuse for being gone. I have a client who you will meet at the downtown Hilton at 10:30 on Thursday. His name is Tyrone Thomas. He will have a table reserved at the restaurant and will treat you to a light brunch before you adjourn to his hotel room where you will treat him to what ever his heart desires.

"Mr. Thomas is a very important client of mine and I expect him to sign a sizeable contract with my company before he leaves town. You are to ensure that he signs that contract. If you perform well I will see that a debit is made to your account. In fact if you perform like you did for Ron and me last week, I suspect you may earn a sizeable tip. Do you understand what is expected of you?" he asked?

Shivers ran down her spine and she felt weak in the knees. It was all she could do to answer him, but softly she replied, "Yes, I will be there."

Then, he asked, "Have you followed my instructions from last week?"

"What do you mean?" Janet replied.

"Have you stopped taking your birth control pills?"

Again hesitating with her reply, she finally responded, "Yes, I have not taken any since last week. Please, you don't really expect me to leave myself unprotected do you?"

"I told you last week that you could buy some strong douche, but no, you are not to have any other form of birth protection. I told Mr. Thomas that you would be a married white wife who was no longer protected and he was very pleased. Also have you ever gone Greek?" He asked?

"What do you mean Greek?" Janet stammered.

"I mean have you ever had anal intercourse?" he fairly shouted at her over the phone."

"Oh, god no, that's so dirty! I haven't even considered doing that with Rich." What she didn't say is that on several occasions Rich had actually tried to get her to let him do it in her bottom.

"Well you better be prepared because I know Mr. Thomas takes a fancy to that and once I tell him you are a virgin I am sure he will take great pleasure in breaking you in" he laughed.

"Now I suggest that you make up a good story so your husband will not get suspicious. Mr. Thomas knows to ensure that you are on your way home by 2:30 so you are home and recovered before your family gets home. Oh, you should be delighted to hear, Mr. Thomas is very well endowed, and I understand he can please the ladies beyond compare. I expect you will enjoy it despite your feelings. Good day."

As she hung up, Janet slipped to the floor and sat there just staring across the room. It was true! She was now just a prostitute and arrangements had just been made for her first paying customer. She could feel her entire body shaking, but was it in fear or in anticipation of the potential that she would again feel the pleasures she had experienced last week. What would Mr. Thomas be like? Would he really try to have anal sex with her?

Quickly she wiped that thought from her brain as it was just too much to deal with. From his name and the way Mr. Jackson talked, he must certainly be black. Could she really go through with this meeting? Yes, she knew she must for she couldn't let Rich ever see those tapes of her last week with Mr. Baker or let him know of the mess she had gotten them into. Wasn't this business arrangement away for her to solver her financial problems?

Recovering finally from the shock, Janet realized she had things to do. She needed to visit a drugstore away from their home and buy a supply of strong douche. What kind did working lady use, she wondered.

Time seemed to stand still for the next two days. It was all she could do to not think constantly of what awaited her at the Hilton on Thursday. Wednesday night at supper she told Rich that she was going out on Thursday with some of her friends for lunch and shopping.

She had actually already been shopping but had hid the packages in the guestroom closet so that she could pull them out on her return home on Thursday. If the afternoon turned out like she expected, she knew she would not have the time or energy to do any shopping on Thursday.

Thursday morning finally arrived. After getting the family off, Janet took a warm soothing bath. She did not know why but she felt like she did when she was a high school sophomore getting ready for her first big date. She picked out new matching bra and panty set and again put on thigh high nylons. Then picking a nice but conservative church dress she looked at herself in the mirror. "So this is what a working whore looks like, she said to herself.

The drive downtown was uneventful, after last week she knew right where she was going. Butterflies were still present in her stomach, but was this form fear or in anticipation. Parking the car in the garage underneath the Hilton she took the elevator to the main floor and proceeded to the restaurant. As it was only mid-morning there were not many customers present. Upon being greeted by the Hostess she told him that she was there to meet Mr. Thomas.

"Please follow me, he is waiting for you at his table," replied the Hostess as she led Janet to the same back corner of the dining room as she had been seated in with Mr. Baker.

As they approached the table, Janet immediately realized that Mr. Tyrone Thomas was a very big man, a very big black man. Seeing her arrive, Mr. Thomas rose and extended his hand to her.

"Janet, so nice to meet you," he said, "please have a seat," as he indicated the chair to his right rather then the normal seat across the table from him.

Janet quickly realized that this placed her very near to him with their backs to any other customers who might enter the dining room. However, with the plants and other decor in the room they really were very private. This had to be intentional she was sure. The table was also already filled with a number of dishes so it was clear they would not be disturbed.

It was almost immediately after sitting down that Janet felt Mr. Thomas' large hand descend upon her left thigh. Without any effort it seemed he had raised her skirt so that in fact his hand was on her bare thigh gently stroking her. A chill ran down her spine whether in fear or in anticipation she did not know. What she knew for sure was that she was helpless to stop his erotic advances.

"Janet, you are certainly a lovely creature, I am sure today is going to be a fantastic experience. Please call me Ty," he commented. "Go ahead and help yourself, I don't know about you but I am famished. Would you like some coffee, do you like it black or with cream?" he asked?Janet softly replied, "Black please," as she helped herself to some fruit.

As he poured her he gave her a wink and gently squeezed her upper thigh. "I knew you would be a black only," he replied.

The conversation throughout the meal was actually very pleasant though Janet could feel his hand constantly moving closer to the junction between her legs. She could tell that she was already getting wet in what she now realized was anticipation not fear. It was not long before his finger was inserting itself beyond her panties and was rubbing her clit, which responded by immediately becoming erect, almost like it was she who had a penis.

Where a week ago with Mr. Baker, Janet had dreaded every moment and was not sure if she would go with him to his room, now it was clear to her now that she was looking forward to the privacy of Mr. Thomas' room.

However, Ty seemed in no immediate hurry as he continued to feast on the more then ample food. His hand was now continuing to stimulate Janet to the point that she was no longer able to concentrate on eating.

Just when Janet thought his manipulations were going to bring her to a welcome climax he stopped and with drew his hand. Janet felt at a loss, why was he stopping? She needed the release.

"I think it is time you felt what I have in store for you this afternoon," he said. Taking a hold of her hand he maneuvered it under the table and placed it into his lap.

Janet could not help but be surprised by the feel of the enormous monster that was in his pants. She could not believe it was really his manhood, it had to be even larger then Mr. Jackson's and she didn't think they could come any larger.
Man with a 'tash

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