Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Granny and the Tree House

Single chapter

Written by Kristen 

This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2003. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
By Ximenes (address withheld by request)

It's not the age, it's the attitude...

This story is dedicated to all those British teenagers who spend part of their Gap Years doing altruistic work in developing countries. They are the salt of the earth and unsung heroes of the world. As are also those men and women who plan, organise and supervise our Gap students both in Britain and in the field. This story is for you. Gentlemen, this could be you!


It had rained for days and days. The soil was full of moisture, and the torrents of water falling from low, grey clouds simply ran over the surface of the earth and into the streams. Global warming? El Nino? Who could tell!

I had come out from England to escape grey, rainy days, but they seemed to be following me. Here, along tributaries of the mighty Limpopo river in Africa I was supposed to be checking up on the most vulnerable settlements, those closest to the rivers, and dropping off emergency supplies or evacuating villagers to higher ground for the duration of the floods.

But here every house was at risk, and there wasn't any safe high ground to be found. The entire surface of the earth seemed to be awash and on the move. The rivers were treacherous chocolate brown, foamy, and in midstream moving at a brisk jogging pace. The elderly outboard on our RIB (rubber inflatable boat) was having a hard job to make headway upstream.

The Aid agency had given us a route to follow each day, and a boatload of food and blankets to distribute. We had radios to keep in touch with our base, but in these low lying districts communication was poor. As often as not we were out of touch and on our own. "We" was myself and my Mosambiquan interpreter and guide Jonas.

To begin with, the work was all I had dreamed it might be exotic, exciting and altruistic. We were welcomed everywhere we went, and by dropping off medical supplies and ferrying ill or injured villages to the clinic at Chokw‚ we had the glow of performing a useful humanitarian function. Heady stuff for a nineteen year old on his "gap year" before University.

But it had rained for days and days. The exotic had become commonplace, the exciting was now humdrum and our job was becoming increasingly dangerous. The rivers were full of uprooted trees, sheets of corrugated iron off destroyed buildings, and lumps of wood with protruding nails in them. Any of these would slash our fragile boat on contact. At best we would be stranded; at worst we would be swept away in the current and drowned.

The Agency we worked for was on the point of suspending our little flotilla of boats, saying that conditions were too dangerous for its volunteers. We were very reluctant to stop operating, because we knew that the situation of many villages was even more perilous than our own. Besides, if something's dangerous it's also exciting. We were all afraid of having to sit around, bored, until it decided to stop raining.

It was mid afternoon and we were on one of our last stops. A small hut stood prominent at the junction of a side stream with the main river. Normally it would have been ten feet or so above high water level, and the side stream would have been a small trickle. Now, however, the main river was almost level with the top of the bank, and the side stream was much too deep and fast flowing to wade or swim through. The hut, with palm thatch walls and corrugated iron roof, looked pathetically inadequate to withstand any further rise in water level.

In the hut was a man, his sick wife, her mother, and a young girl of about ten or so. A scrawny guard dog yapped frantically as we carefully nosed our way to the bank. Half a dozen hens scuttled about trying to avoid humans and find some shelter from the deluge.

The woman had a fever and seemed very weak. Jonas shinned up a large tree growing next to the house, and with this extra height he managed to make radio contact with base. After describing the woman's condition and the precarious state of the house, we were told to ferry the family to the base clinic. This was about two hours upstream in normal conditions. In the raging flood we knew our boat wouldn't make it against the current with everyone on board.

Being young and foolish I immediately offered to stay behind, and told Jonas to take the husband and wife. He would return later for me and the other two people. This was strictly against our rules, and we both knew it would be virtually dark before he could arrive back at base. There was an absolute ban on travelling on the river by night, even in normal conditions. In this weather it would have been suicidal. But the woman's condition was alarming and we made our decision to split up.

All our RIBs carried an emergency pack which included lightweight tent, food, fresh water can and so on. I took out the food and water, and we used the tent to make a shelter over the RIB to protect the patient from the worst of the rain.

While this was happening Jonas was also explaining to the man that we would leave his mother in law and daughter in my care until a return journey could be made. The child was very tearful at being left with a white stranger, and as the RIB spluttered slowly upstream round a corner in the river we all realised how deserted and vulnerable we had become.

Jonas had kept the radio, so I was completely out of contact with anyone. I could speak neither Portuguese nor the local tribal languages, so the only way I could communicate with my two charges was by gesture.

I already knew the chances of being picked up that day were slim; the sun would set at 6.00 and darkness would fall very quickly in these Equatorial parts. There was just a chance that Jonas would see or make contact with another RIB and divert them to where I was, but it was a long shot.

So, as evening drew on, I took stock of my situation. It had stopped raining for the time being, but storm clouds were piled up in all directions, deep indigo against the sun, and we were in a temporary respite from the deluge.

The highest point on the land around the hut was only a couple of feet above river level. If the river rose during the night, we would be in real trouble. As well as the big tree which Jonas had climbed, there was another sizeable one close by, and it might be possible to lay some of the hut's roof beams between the two trees and make a "tree house" safe above the waves. It would be flimsy, especially if the wind got up, but at least it was worth a try. The inside of the hut was smelly, dark and muddy. It would soon be alive with mosquitoes, too. It seemed more inviting to risk life in the trees than endure a night in a midden.

Now, I challenge any of you readers to try to explain to a ten year old and a fifty-something, in sign language, that you want to demolish their house to make a shelter in the trees, and that you expect them to climb into the trees to sleep! The child liked the idea but didn't know what to do; the old lady understood what was intended but didn't agree.

After several attempts to be diplomatic, patient and all the things we were told to be on our orientation course, I lost my cool and started ripping the roof apart. The hut came apart easily enough, though not without gashing me on sharp bits of corrugated iron. It was probably just as well I didn't understand what the other two were saying to me!

As I expected, the little girl was nimble and agile up the tree, and in no time at all we had a deck of timbers and corrugated iron, about ten feet long by five feet wide, strung between the trees. We cut some small branches and tied them to make a frame, and the old woman gathered palm leaves from the forest floor and plaited them together to give us a section about three feet by six feet which would give us reasonable shelter from the rain. This all took us less than an hour, but it was all we managed to get done before dark.

As if on cue, the light went, the rain resumed, and every mozzie in Africa came whining towards us. We hadn't eaten, and despite being on the Equator we felt cold as well as wet and miserable. I scrambled all my possessions into the tree house, and congratulated myself for my foresight in remembering to take my mozzie net out of the RIB. I had my torch at the ready to signal our position if a boat arrived during the night (no chance, I knew, but when you're in this situation you don't always behave rationally).

The little girl brought a blanket from the hut and climbed up with me in our tree house. She wrapped herself, fully clothed, in the blanket, knelt down and said her prayers. Then she kissed me good night on my cheek as if I was her father, lay down, turned away from me, and closed her eyes to sleep. It was so innocent and charming it disarmed me completely.

Of course it had occurred to me that she might sleep with me, even though she was miles too young: every day we heard stories of such liaisons in the bar at Base. But this girl's simple actions of trust and routine had put her into the "little sister" category and off limits as much as if there was a squad of heavies watching over her.

It was just what my own sister had done not so may years before, and although this sounds daft it made me feel not randy, but acutely homesick. What the hell was I doing here in the wilds of Africa, at considerable risk to myself, in the name of "adventure"?

Then the fun really started. I shinned back down the tree to collect granny and help her up to the shelter. Except there was no way NO WAY she was going to go. She had arranged the remnants of the demolished hut around her into a sort of circular den, which she was sharing with the dog and a couple of hens bold enough to risk the canine's teeth.

My language skills were not up to telling her that she was in danger, or a stubborn old fool, and I was soaked, cold and famished. The dog bared its teeth and growled at me with a "come on, son and I'll take yer fingers off" look. So I left Granny to it and went back up the tree.

I rummaged in my stuff and dined on an energy bar. Forget all the adverts high energy bars taste crap even when you're starving in the jungle! And bloody Jonas would have had a nice hot meal and shower and a beer and be relaxing at Base. The girl was asleep already, and I settled as best I could for what I knew was going to be a long and arduous night.

I dozed fitfully. The water sounded awfully close, and every now and then I woke with a start and shone the torch down to see where the water was. The rain was falling steadily, but at least there wasn't a lot of wind. On the other hand our hasty thatch was lacking in finesse and water was dripping through in so many places that neither the girl nor I could stretch out so as to avoid the wet.

At some point during the night all hell broke loose. I woke up I'm not sure what woke me because, God knows, I was tired enough. It might have been the last desperate squawk of a chicken being swept away, or frantic yelps from the dog: at some point granny had tied it to a tree to guard her (who from, for God's sake!) and now it was straining to keep its head above water.

As soon as I came to I knew things had changed for the worse. It was still raining. But the sound of the water was different. The lower notes were deeper and much, much louder, and the top notes were quieter. Shining the torch down I saw that the water had risen so as to be at the level of granny's den, and entering it.

There was no island with a hut any more; there was granny's den like the conning tower of a submarine emerging from the water, and our trees rising from the water like a pair of bridge supports. Our island was gone. If our tree house went we were done for! The whole structure was vibrating in time to eddies and currents in the swirling tide.

As I watched, granny emerged from the hut. It was obvious she was in a bad way she was staggering and looked as if she was about to walk into the river. I was down that tree so fast I skinned a wrist and didn't even realise. Granny was totally soaked and in shock. She was shivering uncontrollably. Her blankets were totally wet through. She would have to come up in the tree house, but how to get her up there? She hadn't seemed capable in the afternoon, and no way could she manage it now.

When I was a Boy Scout at school we were taught a carrying position called a "fireman's lift" which we thought was hilarious at the time because you had to slide your hand through somebody's legs to lift them onto your shoulders. A fireman's lift was the only way I would be able to get granny into the tree. But do you think I could remember how to do it? Arm between the legs was easy; the difficult bit was how to drape the torso around your shoulders without knackering your back.

{So, readers, picture the scene. It's small hours of the night during an Equatorial rainstorm. A young man is floundering in mud in his bare feet, soaking wet, trying to wind an incoherent and uncooperative old lady around his shoulders.

Just when I succeed I realised I've forgotten the dog. I don't want it in the tree with us. I don't trust it and feel sure it will try to take a toe or finger off when I sleep. So I undo its leash and let it take its chances in the flood. In seconds the dark form of the dog is lost in the night.

I heave granny onto my shoulders again, move towards the tree, and promptly drop the torch into the waters, now ankle deep. Instinctively I let granny go with a splash into the flood and lunge for the torch. I find it, but now it won't work. Bloody wonderful.

Sod's law decrees that any minute now a squadron of rescue helicopters will fly over and miss us because I can't signal them. I'm being eaten alive by mozzies, and every now and then something crawls, slithers or rolls over my feet and my hair stands on end as I wait for something fatal to bite or sting me.}

Granny's fall had focussed her a little, so for a third time I pulled her onto my back and set about trying to climb the tree.

At this point I discovered that wet tree trunks are slippery. And wet, muddy legs and feet are more slippery. And a dead weight on your shoulders means you need arms like Tarzan to haul yourself up a tree. And Tarzan's genes somehow eluded my parents. And now my skinned wrist was hurting like hell.

The first few feet were the hardest. I hauled, pushed, pulled, and manhandled us up to the tree house deck. Trying to get her onto the deck was the hardest. I probably broke all the rules about handling casualties with dignity as I pushed and prodded every bit of her body that seemed convenient.

When I finally levered myself onto the deck I just felt as if I wanted to die. (In the following days I found I had a mass of bruises on every limb). Now the deck was giving ominously with the weight of three of us. The girl had rolled into the centre and if the two adults were not careful we would capsize into the river. (I thought of what I would write in my account to the Gap year placing service. OK, they'd promised "adventure" but this was taking things to the extreme!)

I suppose the logical thing would have been to leave the girl in the middle and put granny and myself on each side of her. But, of course, that's not what happened. Granny was shivering uncontrollably. She was clearly very frightened and not totally aware of where she was.

I thought she might roll off the side of the platform. So I gently moved the girl over to her original position. I would sleep in the centre, to balance the weight, and granny on the outside. The girl would get drips on her feet, me on my shoulders and granny on her face. Blast it! That wouldn't do. I was too confused to look for something to plug the leak.

Then I remembered that, on a Mountain Rescue course I attended in the 6th form at school, we had been taught that if someone was at risk of hypothermia they could be put in a sleeping bag with a "normal" person. ("Normal", in this situation, is very relative as readers will have already worked out!)

But granny's clothes were heavy as well as sodden. They'd never dry out during the night, and we'd both risk exposure. So I started hauling off her clothes in the pitch dark. Now don't start thinking this was an erotic awakening. For a start you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I only knew where she was because I wasn't letting her go.

Next, I didn't know how many layers of clothes she had and how they came off. Then, for someone so addled a few minutes ago, she suddenly came to herself and assumed I was trying to rape her and yelled and struggled like fury so that I thought the platform would come down.

She lashed out in all directions, walloped me across the bridge of my nose, but did serious damage to the thatch of the shelter. Oh, by the way, the rain had stopped now, very suddenly, and through the new holes in our thatch we could see the occasional star. But the drips continued from the roof, and our new ventilation holes had made us mozzie banquec.

Granny's yells woke up the girl. She cried and howled in sympathy but at least she didn't go for me or destroy the shelter. I yelled at her to shut up. Bad move she yelled all the louder.

All this time granny was fighting and struggling and eventually one of the beams supporting the tree house moved. Only a few centimetres but it felt as though we were about to drop into the river. The girl screamed. Granny froze. I froze, too, until I knew the damage was not fatal. Suddenly I was so pissed off with granny that I slapped her hard across her cheek and bellowed at her.

She collapsed in a whimpering heap beside me. Quickly, before she had time for second thoughts, I removed the rest of her saturated clothes and tried to wedge them into the worst holes in the roof. (Would have made a wonderful sight for a rescue helicopter in the morning granny's faded green knickers poking through the roof). I stuffed her into the sleeping bag and with great difficulty squeezed in next to her. (If they intend you to use sleeping bags to rescue people in this way, why the hell don't they make the bags big enough to fit two people?).

She lay on her back, her sobs and whimpers subsiding while she waited for me to make a move on her. I lay on my side, cushioning her head with my arm. The girl, too, went quiet and granny said soothing things to get her back asleep. Granny had evidently decided I would assault her as soon as the girl was asleep. She lay tense and unyielding. My arm under her head had gone to sleep and I was acutely uncomfortable.

It was still several hours before dawn. I was so angry with everyone and everything. My heart was pounding. I'd rescued these two people from almost certain drowning and now I'd probably be arrested for attempted rape and spend all my adult life rotting in a Mo‡ambiquan jail. Life was SO UNFAIR.

Long minutes passed. We were at a stalemate. I had stopped granny shivering and we were both beginning to get warm. When I couldn't stand the discomfort any more I removed my arm, and, keeping my hands outside the sleeping bag, manoeuvred her round so we were curled up like spoons, me behind her. At last this seemed to convince her I wasn't about to pounce on her, and we both relaxed into sleep.

"Dawn came up like thunder" goes the saying. What it doesn't say is that if you're stuck up in a tree, and there's a thunderstorm right overhead, you're shitting bricks and certain you'll fry in the next strike.

When the storm had passed without us ending up flashfried, we felt it time to get up. Spend a penny, find something to eat, wash that sort of thing. Granny had been awake for a long time, and as long as I kept my hands outside the sleeping bag she seemed relaxed and comfortable. All very gentlemanly, but my hands and arms were mosaics of mozzie bites.

The girl was awake, looking out from the shelter and than back at us with a peculiar, vacant expression.

I started to unzip the sleeping bag. Granny grabbed by arm and gestured to me to get her clothes. I pointed to them, wedged into the roof. No matter, she wanted her clothes. I held the nearest part of her dress and tugged hard. The ball of soggy clothes landed on top of us. So did numerous insects. So did a small brown snake. Furious at being disturbed, it set its head back to strike. Granny and the girl screamed in unison.

I hadn't a clue what snake it was to me all snakes are vile and probably fatal. I recoiled away from it, fast. The decking of the tree house lurched again, setting the reptile off balance. As it tried to recover and strike at us there was yet another lurch and the snake was tipped off the deck, whipping furiously as it fell to the water.

We'd had another near miss. Funnily enough, Granny suddenly became less interested in putting her clothes on; she wrapped herself in the sleeping bag and waited for me to do something.

Now I'd realised that our island was under water, and I assumed the flood would have peaked at a foot or so. But when I looked out from the decking the sight took my breath away. The water was half way up our tree the lowest branches had been submerged. All trace of the side stream had gone.

The Limpopo extended as far as we could see on BOTH sides of us. It felt as though we were stranded in midstream. There was no sign of life. Brown water, flecked with foam, and trees. Plenty of bird life but no animals.

It all called for a reappraisal of our situation, which was even more serious than I'd thought. There wasn't a hope of a RIB getting through this water. Its speed and power were enormous many magnitudes greater than the previous day. After the storm the day was steamy so that visibility kept growing and fading as banks of mist swirled across the landscape. That ruled out helicopters. In short we were stuck here indefinitely. At least Base knew where we were but there was doubt as to whether they'd be able to find us in this changed geography.

Some of my kit clothes, and a few pieces of food had been knocked off the platform during the night. All we had was a bottle of water, a handful of energy bars and some fruit. Not much between three people for an indefinite period. There was no way we could climb down the tree and look for food on the ground. Granny was looking at me with a "you got us into this mess, now you can get us out of it," look.

I didn't know what to do I felt close to tears. I wanted to wake up and find it had all been a dream or that rescue would come charging round the next bend in the river. Fat chance.

At this point the little girl started sobbing. For two pins I'd have chucked her off the platform and granny with her. But no, I got a bad attack of the big, protective older brother stuff. I wrapped my arms round her and said soothing things. She couldn't understand a word I was saying (just as well, because they were all lies, like "don't worry, we're just about the get rescued any minute now.") but she seemed reassured and brightened up.

The first problem was how to have a morning pee from the platform without embarrassing the women. The deck was tilting at quite a rakish angle and there was nowhere private to go. But when you're bursting, I discovered that all your scruples leave you. I dropped my shorts (I was now naked) and let fly as best I could over the side of the deck, making my contribution to the floodwaters about to devastate Chokw‚. When I turned round Granny was supporting the girl who was leaning out over the side to add her own quota, too.

That left Granny herself, who still hadn't quite got out of my sleeping bag. I gestured to her that I would support her weight if she leant out from the deck. There was a long pause, then, reluctantly, she pulled herself out of the bag and squatted on the safest looking edge of our planks, naked and acutely self conscious. I held her arm and braced to take her weight if necessary, with my other arm round her shoulders. She was so self conscious it took her ages to perform, but having done that, she let me pull her up and to me. To my surprise she put her arms around me and hugged me and smiled as she talked. At last, I'd been accepted.

As you can imagine, being young and inexperienced, I had an enormous boner within milliseconds. Naked adult women had never been a feature of my social life before; I grew up in the kind of family where the sight of anything more than a breast on TV would get someone reaching for the zap button. Granny could feel my shorts tenting out into her belly.

I'm sure that's what brought on the smile! She gently disengaged and carefully rummaged through her clothes, shaking out every item in case any further nasties lurked inside. She covered her bottom half but not her top, and my boner stayed long enough and hard enough to use as a crowbar.

After a few minutes Granny realised that I was embarrassed at my condition, and especially at what the little girl would say, so she distracted the girl and moved out of my line of sight. I stared out over the waters like a ship's figurehead (and bowsprit!) until my hormones stopped raging as much as the floodwater below.

We dined off an energy bar and sips of luke warm water. Big deal. "Water, water everywhere and ne'er a drop to drink" Studying "A" level Eng Lit was no doubt good for the soul but it didn't do anything to keep you alive in this situation.

But first things first. I decided our platform needed re-building, because it looked likely we would be stuck there for at least another night. The floods didn't show any sign of receding yet. Granny gabbled at the little girl who shinned further up the tree and came back with several branches. She had absolutely no fear of heights and was completely at home up in the leafy canopy.

After several trips we had enough wood to painstakingly shore up our platform. One of the beams from the hut roof had broken, but it took ages to carefully move the other wood around and brace it without losing any of our precious things overboard. I was sweating buckets by the time we'd finished.

And at that point it started raining again. Our stuff, which had pretty well dried during the morning, was about to get soaked again. Granny yelled at the girl, who took off up the tree as if it were a flight of steps. She descended a few minutes later festooned with leaves, like a "green man".

She and Granny wove these leaves at lightning speed, and just about the same time that all our things were wet through again, they not only completely sealed the thatch from the previous night, they even extended it. If we weren't so hungry, things would be looking good. We even had a thatched funnel of leaves to catch rain water and replenish our all but exhausted bottle. Of course, by the time we got the things set up to work, the rain diminished to a drizzle. Oh well, it's the thought that counts!

The girl climbed up into the higher branches and played, trying to get wild birds to come to her, and making models of them with twigs and leaves. Granny and I had nothing to do but wait for rescue or dry land, whichever arrived first. I sat down and motioned granny to sit next to me. She did, and I put my arm round her. I lay back on the deck, and she snuggled up next to me. We could hear the girl chattering to the birds, out of sight among the canopy of leaves which dappled us with shade and kept off the worst of the sun's heat.

For the first time, I had a hard look at Granny as a woman. I knew she was relatively short, only coming up to me chin in height, but lying down on bumpy corrugated iron covered only in a thin blanket, height wasn't a problem. She had a thin, sinewy-looking face, deeply lined and wrinkled by the sun, and with a very prominent jaw and mouth. Her hair was getting sparse but had lost none of its lustrous blackness. Chestnut brown eyes looked warily at me above high cheekbones, and although she had lost some teeth the rest were white and healthy looking.

It was impossible to guess her age from her face, and even with my youth and inexperience I realised that hot sun and hard, outdoor work would have aged her prematurely. I traced with a finger the lines of her face and jaw before moving down to her bare chest and torso. Her whole body was wiry and fit looking; not an ounce of wasted flesh (in contrast to my padded torso).

Her breasts had lost the fight against gravity. The top half was thin, developing wrinkles and unappealing, but the bottom parts of each still swelled out into globes, taut and welcoming, and as I reached her areolas and nipples they hardened and rose into my exploring fingers. Definitely not centrefold material, but these tits were here in total reality and I was being welcomed to make use of them!

Up till now she had been a passive partner, but when I stopped at her breasts and made love to them Granny tentatively began to investigate my body. We kissed, hesitantly at first, then more firmly. At that point she ceased to be an object to be done to; she became a partner to work with (but I was too young to realise such a fine philosophical idea. I was desperate to get my rocks away and this woman looked a likely prospect!).

Once again I had a raging hard on and my shorts were tented to the point of pain. Granny laughed at my discomfort. So I flipped my shorts down to my knees and kicked them off before resuming my exploration of Granny's top. I kissed her gently to show her I wasn't about to jump her. She kissed back, then reached down and undid a drawstring on her skirt. It was a very clear invitation and permission to go further. I gently pulled her skirt aside, raising up on an elbow to gain access.

Her belly and loins were like those of a much younger woman rounded and inviting, and not at all sunken or shrivelled. Her thighs were lean and well muscled. Her pubic hair was untrimmed, but much more sparse than I had expected. As I gently explored my way downwards, I was parting tight spirals of hair with coffee-coloured skin underneath. Finally, her vagina protruded well below the line of her groin so that I could fill my cupped hand with her pudenda.

Meanwhile she had investigated as far south as my pubes but stopped short of making contact with my penis. I put her hand on my tool to show it was OK to proceed, and she wasted no time getting to know every millimetre of me while I in turn cupped and probed her entrance.

She gradually loosened up, and my tool was jumping as if it had a life of its own. We were kissing and embracing, oblivious to anything around us. The she swung herself over me, crouched on her haunches, and carefully put the head of my penis into her.

I was terrified I'd come before we'd got it together, so I closed my eyes and tried to think of whether I was supposed to be doing any of this (our rules in the Aid Agency were strict and explicit). But after a few more seconds of making sure she was lubricated, I felt paradise descending on me as Granny lowered herself fully home.

I tried to hold on as long as I could, honestly I did, but it had been a long time since my last fuck and Granny was clearly coping with all my size. So as I felt my own floodwaters of life rising I held on to her for dear life and groaned as I spurted again and again into her welcoming bowl.

We lay back, spent, on the decking and wrapped arms around each other and dozed contently in the heat until the girl came down and surprised us, naked, sticky and content.

We finished off the last remnants of our food and were still hungry, a nauseous hunger which produced total lethargy. All we felt able to do was lie down and try to find a position where the gnawing from our bellies felt less painful.

In mid-afternoon I was dragged out of my reverie by the sound of an engine. A helicopter. It came closer, moving slowly, and I was convinced it was looking for us. Granny wasn't impressed, and made taking-photos gestures with her hands. If I'd had matches I would have set fire to our hut to show our position. But good job I didn't! She was right. The helicopter drifted overhead, and as I waved frantically at the crew watching from an open door, I could clearly see the outline of a TV camera silhouetted against the sky.

The bastards! Why couldn't they have dropped us food or winched us up or done something useful? And I hoped they wouldn't be able to use the pictures they had taken the western public wouldn't want to see a stark naked European standing in a tree with two Africans. And, as I've already said, Tarzan and I don't share the same gene pool so there'd be no scoop about a jungle boy.

To think you are about to be rescued, and then have your hopes dashed, is totally demoralising. We just about managed to drape the sleeping bag and our blankets into the sunny bits of the platform to dry, and then spent the rest of the day sitting or lying listlessly. The girl was by now becoming very distressed, and she spent most of the afternoon in Granny's arms for comfort.

As darkness closed I realised we would, indeed, have to spend a second night in the tree. We organised our bedding, just as it began to pour with rain yet again. The girl started her prayers routine again. This time we all joined in we'd need a bit of divine intervention to get out of here alive! She tucked up into her blanket, still whimpering with hunger.

Granny and I arranged the sleeping bag to give us as much room as possible. I had recovered from our lovemaking earlier in the day and was ready for more. But I hadn't been able to get any the girl had monopolised the older woman's attention, and Granny had covered herself up to discourage me.

Now, as I slipped off my shorts and squeezed in to the bag after Granny, I could feel her legs bare against mine. And as I adjusted the top of the bag to protect our shoulders from any stray mozzies, she pulled my arms inside it and put them around her. A few judicious wriggles and her top came off, too, and I spread her clothes under us to cushion our sharp bones against the corrugated iron.

We were immediately busy with each other, hands exploring and tongues kissing and tasting. She tasted salty, and her body smell had an extra note of woodsmoke which wasn't unappealing. I flooded my fingers with saliva and reached down to open her and help lubricate her entrance. As I turned and mounted her she lifted and spread her legs as widely as the sleeping bag would allow.

Entry was difficult and painful for her she was too dry and we were trying to make as little commotion as possible because the girl was only fitfully asleep. She winced hard and gasped in pain as I found the mark and thrust inside her lips. Once inside, though, she lubricated and relaxed.

As I wound up to another climax she taught me how to move inside her, first with slow deep thrusts to her core, then with fast, shallow little pushes just inside her entrance. I found a breast with my mouth and suckled her as I felt my pressure building up. As me penis swelled even further at the point of coming, she wrapped her legs tight round me and spoke to me in her language, repeating the same words over and over again while I jerked her body up and down the sleeping bag with the force of my thrusts.

When I'd spent, she relaxed her legs for a few seconds but held me tightly to her with her arms I realised she didn't want me to come out of her. I caressed and stroked her body and she fed me her other breast as if I was a baby.

Being young and excited, I hardened again very soon, and she was more comfortable with me inside her. We made love for a long time, this time very much in her way, and eventually cried out loudly as she came. I thrust home forcefully several times and came again, much less copiously.

We slept through the rest of the night; our shelter was pretty rain proof and we were exhausted. We tried to make love again just before dawn, but she was very sore down below and I was too tired to get a hard enough erection, so we cuddled and kissed instead.

Soon after sunrise we heard another helicopter. This was a familiar sound, a Russian made job used by the Angolan armed forces. It seemed to know where we might be because it started quartering the flooded forest close to us. We leapt up and down, waved clothes, shouted and yelled for all we were worth. Eventually someone saw us and the machine lumbered towards us, very low and very close.

The rescue itself was terrifying. The downwash from the rotors demolished our shelter, sending thatch, blankets and clothing flying away into the floodwaters below. One by one we were winched up the girl first, then Granny, then myself, with just the clothes we stood up in (not very much on any of us!). The crew couldn't speak English, and my Portuguese was inadequate for the job, so with did a lot of gesturing (no other people around, do you have anything to eat etc) and sat back on a cold, smelly metal floor for a bumpy ride down towards Chokw‚.

People spend a fortune to be taken on a helicopter flight over the jungle and game parks. We spent our trip eating bananas and stale biscuits.

Chokw‚ town had flooded disastrously, and we were taken to another town further away from the river. The Aid Agency had set up a temporary feeding camp for people displaced by the floods, but most of the ones we met were from Chokw‚ town which was under water up to house roof level. It seemed that most people living along the banks of the river had either fled earlier than Granny's family, or were still unaccounted for and presumed lost. We had been so, so lucky.

Once I had been fed, showered, clothed and checked by a doctor I was given a right bollocking for splitting up with my partner, Jonas. Not a word of thanks for saving four people's lives, just a total earbashing for putting the Gap Placement service into a panic. Still, I was allowed a sat phone message home, to convince my parents that the reports of my demise were premature. That was an emotional moment, I can tell you!

Granny and the girl were put into a tent with other families the husband and wife with Jonas had reached safety, but had been evacuated elsewhere when Chokw‚ flooded.

Having locals in our rooms after dark was absolutely forbidden on pain of dismissal, so I bribed my room mate to disappear for the day. It was a Sunday and everyone in the camp spent the morning in a religious service to give thanks for their safety and pray for that of others.

Afterwards there was a huge amount of matching of names of people missing, against lists of names of people in other refugee camps. Wails of anguish where loved ones didn't appear on any list were punctuated with tearful "alleluias" when the smudgy photocopies showed a family had survived intact.

I met Granny and the girl in the camp and took them for as good a meal as we could get in a caf‚ in the town outside the tent city. The food was pretty awful, but at least it was available and cheap. Then I smuggled them back to my room for the afternoon.

I wanted to tell Granny that I was leaving to be based somewhere else. I wanted to give her as much of my pocket money as I could afford, because I had everything in the world and she had nothing. I wanted to see her and the girl again before I left. And, if I'm honest, I'd enjoyed the sex and wanted to do it again. I figured that she might be quite willing, too.

The girl sat inside the porch of the hut, colouring pictures in books and drawing birds and animals with the shiny new coloured pencils I'd bought her that morning. Granny and I made love, slowly, and in comfort, on my bed. The door was locked for privacy and the windows shuttered to let in a breeze but keep out prying eyes.

I introduced her to K-Y jelly and we made love naked and on the top of the bed, enjoying each other's bodies as we coupled. It was a pleasant, relaxed, satisfying afternoon, and we did it so many times I lost count. She was uninhibited, adventurous, and we were determined to enjoy ourselves.

But, in the end, it was a bittersweet experience, because we both knew we were saying farewell to each other. I was being taken upstream to re-group. I would be safe, fed, and had a home in England to return to. Granny had nothing, except her grand-daughter and the information that her son and daughter-in-law were safe in another camp miles away near Maputo.

I feel ashamed that after all this intimacy and shared danger, I never learned her name and never had a photo to remember her by. I never found out her age, either; I guess she must have been around fifty. But she taught me something useful. In the West we live in a society where youth rules, and relationships seem to always be about young people.

Sex with someone as old as your gran is the kind of thing to make most teenagers puke with revulsion, as I would have done before this experience. But "there's many a good tune to be played on an old fiddle" as the saying goes, and I have to say I found the sex was pretty good. I don't regret it for one second.

On the other hand I know I would have regretted it if I'd corrupted the young girl. I admit I'm pretty discreet as to what I say to people about my relationship with Granny, but the marooning episode made me notorious within the Gap organisation and famous at home. The jokes about Tarzan and swinging from the trees still go on, years after the event.

I went on my Gap year to find adventure, find new things, new people, new experiences. And I did just that beyond my wildest imaginings.

And, Granny, if I ever return to Mosambique, I'll come back and look you up. But this time I'll have a foam mattress and tube of K-Y in my rucksack. I'm willing if you are. Is that a deal?

Man with a 'tash

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Apropos nothing...

"There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible."
P. J. O'Rourke. He of 'How to drive fast on drugs while getting your wing-wang squeezed and not spill your drink' fame.

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