An entirely average guy joins a gym to try to put on a bit of muscle mass and after his first work-out, heads into the men's showers to freshen up. While he's there, a strapping great 6-foot something black guy ambles in, nodding a greeting to the other chap as he does so and turns his body into the shower spray. He's also rather well equipped...
"My god," says our stick-thin insect, "that's quite a cock! I'm Howard Jones, by the way. Just joined."
"Hey Howard. Thanks! Nice and thick and 10 inches long. Turner Brown."
Howard goes very pale and then collapses on the floor!
When the gym staff bring him round, he's visibly worried and asks if the scary bloke is still in the building.
"Who? Do you mean Mr. Brown? The big guy? Turner?" ask the staffer.
"He's called Turner? Oh thank fuck for that," says Howard, "I thought he said 'I have a nice thick 10 inch cock; TURN ROUND'!!"
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