Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Mike's Mom's Friend

Single chapter

Written by Kristen 

This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
By ddwriter (
Gentle reader,
Many readers of "Massaging Mike's Mom" have encouraged me to write a sequel. Here it is. If you like this theme, let me know there's more where this one came from. Send email to

Several days after the experience I reported in "Massaging Mike's Mom," Judy Johnson (Mike's Mom) sent me the following email:

Dear Ben,

I hope you don't mind if I write to you. I really enjoyed our little "contest" the other day. As I said, I admire your self-control so rare in so young a man. I had fun putting it to the test!

The reason I'm writing is to ask you a favor. I was telling an old friend about our experience. Her name is Bonnie, and we've known each other a long time. In fact, we were roommates in college almost twenty years ago.

Bonnie has a problem. She married a fine man actually, Jerry was her boyfriend back in college, so they've been married nearly 20 years, and she never really dated anyone else seriously. She and Jerry have a great relationship and a great life together. So, you ask, what's the problem? Well... how do I put this discretely... Jerry is not in the "hung like a horse" department. Although I've never seen him naked, Bonnie says he is really very tiny "down there."

She says they have a good sex life, they love each other, and are totally committed to each other. However, and here's the problem, Bonnie has become obsessed during the past couple of years with large penises... the bigger the better. She fantasizes about having an affair, but she doesn't want to hurt Jerry or risk her marriage.

Even if she did, she wouldn't know how to, shall we say, "inspect the merchandise" before getting involved. All she really wants is to see, touch, and feel a huge penis. She hopes that will satisfy her curiosity and make the obsessive fantasies go away before they lead her into doing something she'll regret.

So, are you getting an idea about where you might come into the picture? I had mentioned to her that you are eleven inches long, and she almost gasped kind of like I did when you rolled over during our massage and I saw your "horse" the first time it's quite an animal!

She asked me if I thought you would mind if she just looked at your horse, and maybe petted it a little. I thought you might be willing to do that, as a favor to me and to Bonnie. She worried that you might get aroused and aggressive and pushy, like a lot of men do. I told her I expected you would get aroused, since you are normal healthy young man, but was sure you wouldn't get pushy I told her about our "contest" and how you were able to control yourself so well.

Anyway, that's why I'm writing. If you're interested, and willing to be "used" in this way, let me know and I'll set up a meeting here at my house, out by the pool where we met before. Bonnie lives several miles away, but I'm sure she would drive here if you would let her pet your horse!

Bye, Judy

P.S. Bonnie is really cute. I think you would like her. She's like me in the "top" department, probably even a little bigger. You seemed to enjoy that part of me!

Needless to say, I was interested. Here is my reply email:

Dear Mrs. Johnson (Judy),

Thanks for your note. I had fun too.

I wouldn't mind helping out your friend Bonnie. If it would help her stay happy in her marriage, I'm willing to let her use my "horse", as you put it, any way she would like.

Tomorrow afternoon would be good for me. How about 1:30? Just let me know by reply email, and I'll be there.


Later that afternoon I got another email from Judy saying she had spoken to Bonnie and the time was good.

I could hardly keep from masturbating for the next 24 hours, remembering Judy's fantastic body and the incredible excitement she caused by teasing my cock nearly to the point of spurting, then backing off before teasing it some more. But I wanted to be fully "primed" for this adventure with her and her friend Bonnie. So, I kept my hands off my horse. I just hoped Bonnie was good looking, although I couldn't dare to hope that she was as attractive as Judy.

At exactly 1:30 the next afternoon I walked around the side of the Johnson residence, alongside the bushes and through the tall wooden gate into their secluded back yard and pool area. There I met Judy and Bonnie. Judy was right Bonnie was a hottie, more petite than Judy and, by the looks of them, had boobs about the same size or even larger. They were in bikinis, although Bonnie's was more modest than Judy's skimpy one.

"Hi Ben, thanks for coming. I'd like you to meet my old friend, Bonnie." We shook hands politely and formally, which seemed odd, considering what we would be doing soon.

Judy offered me a beer, which I accepted. Just like when I was there the last time, she bent over at the waist to pour the beer into my glass, letting me gaze at her fabulous hanging breasts, barely supported by her tiny bikini top. I could see between them, all the way to her thighs.

She glanced at me teasingly as she poured, saying softly, "Like the view?" I'm sure the hungry look on my face answered her question. She took her time, letting me stare shamelessly. She looked down at my crotch to confirm the desired effect, then playfully looked back into my eyes.

When we were all seated, Judy launched the conversation. "As you both know, I've acted as a "match-maker" to get you two together. Ben, you understand that Bonnie is only interested in satisfying her curiosity about well-hung men. She's not here to have an affair. Your ability to stay passive while I teased you mercilessly last week impressed me. I invited you here because I trust that you'll be able to let her call all the shots, and not pressure her with your own sexual needs. Are you sure you'll be able to stay passive today, too?"

"Yes, I am, Mrs. Johnson, err, I mean, Judy. I pride myself on always being in control of myself. You have nothing to worry about. If I can help Bonnie, I'll be glad to do anything I can."

Bonnie added, "Ben, I don't know how to thank you for this. Judy told you about the obsession I've had for the last few years about large penises. This is really embarrassing. I'm very happy in my marriage, and the last thing I want to do is mess that up. I hope that by having some, shall we say, 'hands on' experience with yours, the obsession will go away. Judy said your penis is eleven inches long, is that right? That's incredible!"

"Well, it is when it's erect," I replied. But it's only about 6 or 7 inches soft."

"Only six or seven when it's soft!" Bonnie exclaimed. My husband's is only about four inches when erect, and it's just a button when soft. He's a good lover, and he's a handsome, wonderful man. He's just small . . . down there."

After a few more minutes of getting acquainted, Judy took the lead. "Well, Ben, whenever you're comfortable, how about taking your clothes off so Bonnie can finally see what we're talking about?"

I felt really nervous about getting naked in front of these two women, especially since I had only met Bonnie a few minutes earlier. But, since that was what we were here for, I decided the sooner the better.

"OK," I gulped, downing the rest of my beer. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I removed my sandals, stood up, pulled my t-shirt over my head, and began nervously fumbling with the snap of my shorts. I finally got it loose, and let my shorts fall down around my ankles.

I stepped out of them, standing totally naked in front of Judy and Bonnie, who remained seated. I tried to stand in a relaxed posture, hands by my sides, but was really nervous. The erection I had when I was staring at Judy's boobs while she was pouring my beer was totally gone.

"Wow!" gasped Bonnie, looking at my six inch dangling cock, but trying not to stare. My nervousness kept me from getting hard. "Do you mind if I just look at it a minute?"

"That's OK, Bonnie. You can look all you want" I replied. It felt really weird to be ogled. But it was also exciting to be admired. With that permission, she glued her eyes to my genitals.

"Ben, how about twisting your body back and forth, making your horse flop from side to side?" suggested Judy. I complied, rotating my torso back and forth quickly, causing my cock to slap against my upper thighs. Bonnie was mesmerized, unable to take her eyes off my swinging meat.

"Bonnie, would you like to touch?" asked Judy, in her role as facilitator.

"Uh... yes, I think so," Bonnie replied hesitantly.

"Ben, put your hands on top of your head, and stand closer in front of Judy. Move your legs wide apart, too, so she can see and feel your scrotum if she wants to" Judy instructed.

Again, I complied, stepping forward toward Bonnie, who was seated in a deck chair. As I stood with my cock only a foot or two from Bonnie's face, I began to relax. It was such a turn-on for this knock-out woman to be so fascinated with my cock and balls. I stood still for several moments, as Bonnie slowly raised her hand.

"It's... it's OK if I touch it?" she asked hesitantly. "You won't mind?" She was now more nervous than I was.

"It's OK," I replied. "Touch and feel it any way you want. I'm here to satisfy your curiosity."

Bonnie reached out and lightly touched the skin of my shaft. She lightly patted it, as if she were petting an actual horse.

Her hands moved toward my balls, which are also exceptionally large and hang low and loose. My legs were wide apart, so they hung free in the open air. "Can I touch these, too?" Bonnie asked. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Sure," I repeated.

"I've never seen anything like them. They remind me of a bull I saw once on a ranch." She reached under my balls and gently lifted them, then pushed them to the side and watched them swing back.

I was becoming less nervous now. My cock began to swell. Noticing my swelling, Bonnie wrapped her hand around it. It quickly grew to full size, stretching her hand.

"Wow, it's so huge!" Bonnie exclaimed, in awe of what she held in her hand. She began to stroke it slowly, up and down, exploring the hard shaft sliding under the skin. "Let me know if I make you too aroused," she said. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"Like Judy said," I answered, "I have total self-control. You don't have to worry about me getting so aroused that I can't control it."

"Is this how you masturbate?" She slowly stroked my cock more deliberately, up and down.

"Well... uh... yeah, I guess so," I stammered. I feel very shy and private about jerking off.

My shyness seemed to embolden Bonnie. She began to pump me more assertively. "Do you masturbate slowly like this..." she moved with steady strokes "or faster, like this?" She sped up, glancing up at my face with a sly grin, clearly beginning to relax and enjoy teasing me.

"Uh, well... either way, I guess." I was embarrassed about having my masturbation habits openly discussed with this woman I had only met a few minutes ago.

"Do you ever do it really, really, fast, like this?" Bonnie started pumping her hand furiously, pounding my cock from top to bottom. My balls were flopping wildly, slapping audibly against her hand on the downstroke. My balls were aching almost unbearably from her abuse, but I said nothing so Bonnie could fulfill her curiosity.

"Yes," I admitted through clenched teeth, feeling an orgasm beginning to form.

"How's your self-control doing?" she asked tauntingly.

"I'm ok for a little while," I replied, hoping I could hold out.

"Oh, yeah!?" said Bonnie, playfully, as she pumped even more furiously, with long strokes, top to bottom. "How long do you think you could control this!?" she teased. She was obviously having fun now.

Then she stopped suddenly, removed her hands, and sat back in her chair, watching my pulsing cock bouncing in the air for few moments. "Would you have an orgasm if I kept doing that?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so," I admitted shyly, catching my breath.

"I thought you had self-control!" she continued taunting me.

"I couldn't keep from having an orgasm if you keep doing that, but I can control how I act. You don't have to worry about me getting pushy or anything."

"Ben, I really appreciate that," Bonnie said, her voice softening. "I need to feel safe with you." After a short pause, she asked, "Do you promise to tell me before you come?"

"OK," I promised.

"Besides, I don't want to embarrass you by making you have an orgasm in front of me, if you don't want to. After all, we hardly know each other."

I didn't know what to say. I dearly hoped to have an orgasm, but had committed myself to letting her decide when, how, and even if that was going to happen. I reminded myself that my job was nothing more than to let her explore her curiosity about a man with a big cock. I wasn't there to pursue satisfaction of my own sexual needs.

Bonnie then turned her attention to my balls, hanging low between my legs. "These things are as big as golf balls!" she exclaimed. She flitted them side to side, watching them swing, then grabbed them roughly in a firm grip with both hands.

"It's exciting to have a man by the balls!" Bonnie exclaimed playfully, increasing pressure, pulling them down and away from my body. As she did so, my cock was also pulled down so that it was about horizontal. As she moved her head closer and to the side to look more closely at my balls, the head of my cock lightly brushed against her cheek.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, jerking her head back. "I didn't mean for it to touch my face. It's just that it sticks out so far! I hope that didn't bother you, Ben."

"No problem," I smiled. I thought about my cock being tantalizingly close to her mouth and imagined how her lips would feel wrapped around it.

Judy had been sitting back, just watching. "Ben, would you like to lie on your back on the pad awhile? You might be more comfortable and Bonnie can explore your horse more easily."

Nodding, I got down on my back and clasped my fingers behind my head so I wouldn't be too tempted to reach out and touch Bonnie's hot body. Those breasts were nearly irresistible, although her modest bikini covered most of them.

"That's it," Judy said. "Now spread your legs apart a bit, and bend your knees so Bonnie can get at your balls if she wants to."

"Judy, feel free to join in, if you want," invited Bonnie. "There's plenty here for both of us!" playfully referring to my eleven inch cock, proudly standing at attention in front of the two women.

Judy and Bonnie each sat cross-legged beside me, knees resting on either side of my body, both able to comfortably reach my exposed, vulnerable genitals. They fondled and massaged my cock for several minutes, lifting my sore balls, moving them around inside their sack.

I remained completely silent and passive as the two women chatted. It was as if they were both inspecting an interesting toy or doll. They would take turns gripping my cock, sliding its skin up and down. They experimented with two hands, three hands, and even all four of their hands. My cock was long enough for their four small hands to grasp it at the same time, pumping up and down. My pre-cum flowed out and down around my head, making the top few inches of my pole slick. I could feel an orgasm beginning to form.

"I promised to warn you if I got close to coming," I croaked. "I can't take much more of that." My throat was tight with the tension of impending orgasm.

With that, both women removed their hands, leaned back, and watched my throbbing cock, fascinated.

"It looks so powerful," commented Bonnie, in awe. "I really like having control over this huge male cock that wants to erupt. I like knowing that I'm in charge of it, that it's not in charge of me. I always imagined that a big cock would rape me, that it would attack me with its masculine power. This huge cock is frightening, with its potential for overpowering me and hurting me. It's like I a hungry tiger in a cage. But it can't reach me. It can't attack me, no matter how much I taunt and tease it. I can show the tiger my flesh, and make it want desperately to eat me. But it can't. I'm in control."

Bonnie almost seemed like she was in a trance as she voiced her fears and her fantasy.

Bonnie raised up on her knees, straddled my left thigh, and shoved her knee into my groin. She thrust her breasts toward me, shaking them from side to side, the bikini top barely keeping them contained.

"Hey, tiger, I bet you want to eat these, don't you! Are you hungry?" With one hand she reached down and pumped my cock, with the other she lifted and thrust her breasts in my direction.

"I bet you'd like to rape me with this monster male cock, wouldn't you? Well, you can't. I'm in control, here. You can't hurt me! I've got you in a cage! I'm safe from you, no matter how hungry I make you! And I'm going to make you very, very hungry because I can! I'm a woman, and I have power!"

Bonnie's tone was half-playful and half-deadly serious. I sensed that she may have been sexually assaulted at some time in her past. This made me even more determined to allow her to have complete control.

Then Judy interjected, "OK, Bonnie, let's take total control over this hungry tiger. Here's the deal, Ben. If you start to have an orgasm without telling us, we'll stop immediately and you'll be on your own to finish it I see how shy you are about masturbating, so I don't think you would want that. Give us control over when you ejaculate, and we MAY give you a complete and satisfying orgasm IF we feel like it. But it would be when WE say, not when YOU want it. Cooperate with us, and you have a chance. If you don't cooperate, you have no chance. That's the deal, take it or leave it."

I knew Judy was setting me up for another contest of wills, like the first time we were here together, the previous week.

"I understand" I said, accepting the challenge but not really having a choice in the matter.

"And there's one more part of the deal," continued Judy. You've got to keep your hands behind your head at all times. If you move them, the deal is off and you're on your own. You'll either have to go home frustrated, or masturbate in front of us. That would be really humiliating, wouldn't it?" She raised the ante.

"OK" I agreed. Again, the terms of the deal were being dictated to me.

"This is so cool!" exclaimed Bonnie. "We women get to be in total control of this monster cock, uh, I mean penis!"

"No, Bonnie, not WE. YOU get to be in total control," Judy clarified. "This is YOUR adventure. YOU get to decide when, and IF, this monster cock gets relief if the tiger gets to eat. It's completely up to you. And you can use all your female powers to make it desperately hungry, to make it beg you for mercy, for a morsel of food. And, you've got plenty of time all afternoon. There's no rush. By the way, it's OK to call it a cock!"

With that empowerment, Bonnie grasped my swollen meat with both hands and slowly pumped up and down. "Do you want it now, big guy?!" she taunted. "Do you want me to let you spurt?"

"Oh, yes!" I replied hoarsely. "Please. I'm getting close again."

Bonnie immediately let go, sat back, giggling. "Not yet, tiger. I'll let you come when I'm ready to, and not before." She gleefully watched my throbbing cock bouncing in the air, my pulse surging through it, relishing her power over the tormented huge cock that hungered for her mercy.

"Looks like the horse has worked up a sweat," observed Judy, switching animals. "Maybe we should let it cool down awhile. Ben, you seemed to enjoy seeing my breasts last week. Would you like for Judy and me to get topless?"

"Uh, huh" was all I could mutter, in my state of nearly unbearable tension. I was aching to see their breasts, now hiding behind bikini tops.

"Well, Bonnie, I think he should work for it. He should have to earn the right to see our breasts. What do you think?" Judy continued.

"I don't know what you have in mind, but it sounds interesting!" said Bonnie.

"Yeah, here's the contest. Ben, we're going to blindfold you. Then Bonnie and I will take off our tops. We have four nipples between us, right? We'll touch our nipples to your lips, one by one, in random order. You stay completely motionless, not even moving your lips. If you can correctly match which two nipples belong to the same woman, then we'll take off your blindfold. If you fail, we'll put our tops back on and not let you see our boobs. How about it?"

The image of those beautiful bare breasts suspended over my face, nipples touching my lips, was nearly too exciting to bear. But, always ready for a challenge, I said OK.

Judy tied a small towel around my head, taking care that I could not see around it. I heard giggling and the shuffling of clothing as I envisioned the two women unsnapping their bikini tops. Knowing their bare breasts were right in front of me, and being unable to see them, was incredibly erotic.

"Are you ready, Ben?" asked Judy. "You'll feel four nipples rest lightly on your lips, one by one. You must not move your lips. If you are able to match the two sets of nipples, we'll remove your blindfold and let you see them. If not, well, you lost your chance."

I heard Judy and Bonnie whisper and giggle to each other as they made their plan. In a few moments, I felt a light touch on my lips as a nipple maybe one of Judy's, which I had seen last week, or maybe one of Bonnie's, which I have only imagined slowly moved side to side across my lips, tempting me to open my mouth and suck in the nipple. I could hardly resist, but knew I would lose. Then came a second, then the third, and finally the fourth. In between, I sensed the two women moving around.

"OK, Ben, which nipple belonged to the same woman whose nipple touched you first number two, number three, or number four?" Judy was the inquisitor.

Without moving my lips, I had been unable to sense much detail about the nipples' hardness, softness, or other features. I assumed that the moving around between trials meant that they switched places each time. So, I guessed that nipple number three matched nipple number one.

"Oh, too bad, Ben" Judy said, tauntingly. "I guess you don't get to see them..." I groaned in disappointment. "...unless you'd like to have another try at it. Want to try again, Ben?"

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Man with a 'tash

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Apropos nothing...

Impulses from the brain give a man an erection during REM sleep.
Picture the scene: you're in REM - dream state - sleep with a hard-on and a smile on your face. Explain that one to your other half in the morning!

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