Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Barb's Seduction To Perversion

Ch. 1: Chapters: 1 2

Written by Kristen 

Still working at seven that evening, Barb received a call from Brad.

"Still working, look get out of there. you need some time for Barb. I know this little bistro not two blocks from the apartment. I want you to go there and give them your name. I'm calling them as soon as I hang up. Dinner is on me. Now leave, that's an order.

Barb smiled at the last comment. "Okay you win and brad thanks. That's so sweet.

"What our friends for, now go and relax."

Barb found the restaurant with no problem. Italian, the restaurant was small and very charming. there were only several tables, each with checkered table cloths and candles dripping down old Chianti bottles. The owner and mat id‚e, a nice man, showed her a table in the corner.

Barb had barely taken her seat when the nice man returned with a glass of wine and the menu. The wine was good and Barb finished the glass in short order. With out asking the waiter returned with another glass of wine and took Barb's order.

Barb was really enjoying the chance to relax. The atmosphere was nice and the wine soothing. No sooner had she finished the second glass than the waiter brought her another.

"Oh I didn't order another."

"Mr. Greenburg left instructions Ms, he told me to keep the glass full."

Barb smiled at Brad's thoughtfulness. "Okay but please hold off on the next one I'm already feeling the last one."

The restaurant had filled with a number of couples. some no doubt here for a romantic evening , she thought. A tall well dressed Blackman entered the restaurant and was greeted by the nice man. Leading the tall man to a table next to hers the matridee provided him a menu.

Glancing over the top of her wine glass, Barb could not help but think he looked familiar. Suddenly their eyes met and Barb looked away. Jesus, Barb thought, this guy is going to think, I'm after him or something.

"I've never eaten here. What would you recommend," asked the stranger.

His voice sounded familiar. "This is my first time too, the wine's nice," Barb added with a smile. God now she was flirting, what in the world had come over her, Barb thought.

"I'm new in town how about you."

"Business, just for the night," Barb responded, finally getting herself composed again. Just then the waiter brought her a third glass of wine. Barb hadn't noticed but she had already finished her second glass. Not wanting to make a scene she accepted the wine with a smile.

"I think I'll try one of those waiter," The man asked. On second thought please bring us a bottle."

"Oh I don't know about that," Barb said a little giddy with wine.

"No I insist and if it's not presumptuous of me, may I join you?"

Barb didn't know how to respond as he stood and walked over.

"You are alone, right."

"Yes, but," Barb was going to say she was married but decided that sounded foolish. Impulsively, she extended her hand. "My name is Barb, what's yours?"

"Drew, a pleasure to meet you."

Barb watched Drew take a seat across from her. Barb couldn't speak, she couldn't think, she couldn't breath. Was this coincidence, did he know? This was not possible. Barb realized Drew was talking to her but she hadn't heard a word he said.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

"Only that I hate to eat alone. I'm so happy to meet you what line of work are you in?"

"I work at a local hospital," Barb answered, noting he was even better looking in person.

"How interesting I'm in pharmaceuticals. I recently transferred down from Dallas. I noticed your married, the ring, any children?"

"No, no kids yet, but my husband and I want to start a family." He obviously didn't know, or he wouldn't be making small talk. No it just had to be coincidence, thought Barb.

The entire evening the two chatted like old friends. During the evening Barb caught herself on several occasions staring at Drew. He was much more handsome in person. Drew's voice was deep and smooth. His eyes were large, black and penetrating and his smile took her breath away. The food was fantastic and before Barb knew it, it was ten o'clock.

"Gee, I didn't realize what time it is. I really need to get going."

"Can I give you a lift," asked Drew.

"No I'm just a couple of blocks away, but thanks anyway."

"Will I see you again?"

"I don't know, I mean, I'm not sure when I'll be back."

"It's just that I had such a nice time speaking with you. I just thought we could do this again sometime. Look I'm sorry, your married, I don't know what I was thinking. Good night, I really enjoyed your company. With out another word, Drew took Barb's hand and kissed it tenderly and walked away.

Barb was breathless. The whole evening was like a dream. That night she could hardly sleep. What were the chances they would meet like this. Over and over Barb went through the sequence of events. The e-mails, the pictures, the movie. No way he could know, yet every fiber of her being told her to beware.

Barb spent a miserable day at work. Barb could not concentrate on work and found herself daydreaming about Drew constantly. Just before lunch time Barb received a dozen white roses, her favorites and a note.

You're a remarkable women and your husband an incredibly lucky man. Thank you for an evening I'll never forget. Perhaps we shall meet again.


"My, my, someone sure has an admirer. I wish someone would send me roses like that."

"Rosie, it's not what you think. Besides don't you have something to do." Rosie, Barb's assistant left the office, clearly upset that Barb hadn't imparted more information about the stranger who had sent her flowers. Barb knew better, just the fact she received flowers would circulate like wild fire once Rosie left the office.

Barb looked at the flowers. They certainly were beautiful. Her favorites, how did he guess. She wondered if they would meet again and then reminded herself she was married. Barb was totally useless the rest of the day.

That Friday evening when Barb got home I could sense something was different. Barb seemed distant, preoccupied, but when I asked she claimed it was merely work. Going to bed, Barb once again was the aggressor. Rolling over on to her side Barb let her hand drift down between my legs. Then sliding her hand under the waste band of my boxers she grasped my dick in her hand and stroked it hard.

"I see some one is happy to see me. I'm super honey and could sure use some good sex. you think you can satisfy me mister."

"I sure would like to give it a try," I said in my finest southern draw.

Barb slid my boxers down and went down on me with a vengeance. Clutching my dick in her right hand, she would nibble and lick my dick head. Pausing, Barb pulled away and then as if measuring me said, "why do black men have bigger cocks then white men?"

The question took me completely off guard. This was the second time my wife had brought up black cock in the last month. "What?"

"A girlfriend at work has gone to bed with several black men and she claims they're not only better they're bigger." Barb continued stroking my cock which stiffened considerably with the conversation.

"Sounds to me like some one is a little curious."

"Well, a little I guess. I mean aren't all white women. Aren't you a little curious about what it would be like to make love to black women. What makes you think a woman is any different?"

"I can't argue with that, sure I have fantasized about having sex with a black woman, but that's all it is fantasy. Now it's your turn are you saying you have fantasized about taking a black lover?"

"Yes, does that upset you?"

"No, but it does surprise me. I would have never guessed. Now to get back to your original question, which was why are black men bigger. First, I've never read anything to that effect, although there is the myth. Now I hope you're not planning to undertake hands on study are you?"

"No silly, just wondering that's all." Then Barb returned to sucking my dick. With one hand stroking my dick she enveloped the head of my dick with her mouth. Sucking and moving her mouth up and down my shaft I rapidly became excited. Barb rarely went down on me and certainly never swallowed, so when I started getting close I warned her.

"Babe, you better slow down I'm getting ready to cum." Barb neither slowed down or stopped instead she sucked harder. Her grip on my dick became more forceful and I could feel her teeth teasing the head of my dick. I felt my dick began to expand, still fully expecting Barb to stop.

"Oh baby, I'm cumming right now, that feels so good, oh yes. Don't stop now." Barb didn't stop swallowing every drop of cum as my dick shriveled in her mouth. My body convulsed as Barb continued licking the remaining cum off my dick.

Looking up at me, Barb stopped licking me and smiled." Did you like that?"

"Honey that was fantastic, I mean you've never done that before. I tried to warn you."

"I've always wanted to do that are you okay with it?"

"Oh yeah."

"Good because I really liked doing that for you."

Looking back on the evening I really didn't think anything was going on with my wife. Sure she had been acting differently, but if anything I was happy with the changes. Later that evening I went down on Barb and we made love. I remember both of us hoping that maybe that night we had conceived are first child.

The following Monday Barb called from work and indicated she would have to spend the night. The hospital was having a fund raiser and Brad couldn't make it. Barb would have to attend. Barb left work early and went to a local mall to look for a dress and shoes.

Barb's business suit wouldn't do and she didn't have time to go home. Barb purchased a simple dress at Ann Tailors. The dress, black, was conservative, yet accented her tan legs and arms in a very flattering way. Heels and the pearls she had worn to work was all that was needed to finish off her look.

Barb arrived fashionably late, around seven o'clock and started making the rounds. Barb was speaking with the head of cardiology when she first caught sight of Drew. Drew was wearing black trousers, with a black turtle neck and a dark green Armani jacket. Barb's heart began to race.

All weekend she had tried to put their meeting out of her mind and now he was here. Then a different feeling came over her as she noticed he was speaking with an attractive redhead. Barb tried not to stare, but found herself staring at the other couple on several occasions.

"I don't believe you've heard a word I said Barb, is something wrong?"

Turning her attention back to Dr. Freedman the cardiologist, she tried to resume their conversation. Gulping her wine, Barb strained to pay attention to the doctor's monotone. Barb accepted a second glass of wine from the waiter and glanced in Drew's direction. The redhead had now placed her hand on top of Drew's and Barb felt a pang of jealously.

Finally Barb could stand it no longer and fainting a powder room break, excused herself from the boring doctors conversation. Coming out of the ladies room Barb made her way towards Drew who was still engrossed in conversation with the redhead. Embolden by a couple of glasses of wine, Barb walked over to Drew.

"Good evening."

"Well hello, what a pleasant surprise to see you Barb. I was truly hoping we would meet again. I'm sorry this is," Drew said directing his comment to the redhead. "I'm terribly sorry, I seem to have forgotten your name."


"Barb this is Karen she works at the MRI clinic."

"Nice to meet you Karen." Barb was suddenly elated. The redhead wasn't Drew's date and she was glad he was there.

"Karen would you excuse us for a moment," Drew said as he took Barb's hand and whisked her out to the porch overlooking the pool.

"Barb I have a confession to make. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind all weekend. I know your married, and believe me, I had a bad experience in the past with a married woman and swore them off, yet ever since our dinner, I just can't stop thinking about you."

"I don't know what to say Drew, this is very unexpected."

"Don't tell me you didn't feel the electricity between us Barb, you know as well as I that there is a chemistry here."

"Drew really, I mean yes I felt it too but." Barb was at a loss for words. things were moving very fast. Drew was standing very close and she could smell his cologne.

Drew sensed Barb's hesitation and quickly scoped her up in his arms and kissed her. Barb's mouth remained closed and uncooperative only briefly. Drew's soft lips mashed against her's as their tongues intertwined. Barb's arms wrapped around Drew's back as she pulled him tight against her. Drew feeling her response let his hand drop to her ass and pulled her against his hardening cock.

Barb was caught by surprise by Drew's kiss. His mouth was soft but he was an aggressive kisser. There was an urgency to the kiss as he sucked on her tongue and gently bit her lips. This ignited a fire between Barb's legs. This was the first man she had kissed other than her husband since their marriage and Drew was a much better kisser.

Suddenly Barb realized were they were and that someone might see them. Drew's fingers had found their way up her dress and he was pinching and pulling on her enlarged nipple through the thin material of her dress.

Breaking the kiss, Barb tried to stop Drew. "We can't Drew someone might see."

Instead of stopping Drew pressed his advantage by sliding the top of Barb's dress aside and began rolling her thick nipple between his fingers. "Look how excited you are, do you really want me to stop?"

Barb looked down at the erotic sight of her own nipple responding to the black mans touch. Barb's nipple grew as Drew pinched and pulled her swollen nipple.

"No one can see," said Drew and once again he resumed his kiss. Drew smiled to himself as Barb's hand found its way to his crouch. Soon Barb was franticly massaging his cock. For a moment Drew actually thought of taking her right there, but at the last minute broke their embrace.

"Let's go to my place."

"Drew, I don't know about this, I've never done anything like this before." Barb wanted to go. Having felt Drew's cock she was more curious than ever. Barb's panties were absolutely soaked with her lust and she was having a very difficult time thinking.

Drew didn't hesitate. Leading Barb down the stairs and around to the parking lot Drew sought to allay her fears." Barb don't worry, no one has to know, besides you can't tell me you don't want to go, can you?"

"No I want to go it's just things are happening so fast."

Pausing as he opened the door to his car, Drew pulled Barb to him again. "Shhhh, now stop it, your a big girl and you know what you want, now give in to your desire." Drew kissed her again and all resistance faded as Barb returned his kiss.

Drew's home was close and Drew was glad Barb didn't have much time to reflect on her decision. When Barb raised some doubts, Drew was forceful. "Listen Barb, I know your married, but that doesn't change what you want. Your coming home with me, are we clear?" Then taking Barb's hand he placed it on his semi hard cock. "See what I have for you, now no more nonsense about being married. Once you get a taste of this back cock you'll forget all about that husband of yours."

Barb had been ready to mention the protection issue. Barb wasn't certain if she was still in her viable time. The wine and passion was clouding her judgment and she obviously didn't want to upset Drew. Barb rationalized that if something happened, she was safe. The ramifications of a black baby never entered the equation.

Barb's hand felt Drew's growing cock through the material of his pants. Drew's cock felt so large and firm. Visions of Drew fucking Ann raced through her mind. Part of her was stunned by Drew's rebuff. No one had ever spoken to Barb like that before. On the other hand she wanted Drew, and feeling his cock only increased her need to have him. Barb confused felt it was relatively safe to have sex with Drew, so she said nothing.

Once in the house Drew led Barb to his bed room and quickly took her in his arms again. Kissing her, he unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. Then with Barb's assistance he took off his shirt, pants and the rest of his clothing.

The room was well lit and for the first time he had an opportunity to drink in Barb's body. Drew's cock grew even harder as he gazed upon Barb's beautiful breasts and dark nipples. Barb's body was perfectly proportioned with a small waist, accentuated by tan lines and athletic legs.

Drew knew he was going to enjoy fucking this married white girl. Yes sir, spoil her for black cock he would and enjoy every minute of it.

Barb trembled with anticipation as she stood before Drew. Drew's body was even nicer in person. Drew was thin but extremely well muscled. Pulling down his boxers he exposed the biggest cock Barb had ever seen. At nine or ten inches it was twice as thick as her husbands. His balls were incredibly large and his entire body was shaved, even his genitals, just like a body builders.

Still something was different. Drew had changed upon coming into the house. Drew had become more forceful, demanding, controlling. Barb felt like prey being observed by a hunter. Barb's instincts told her something was wrong, but she was powerless to move as he pulled her into bed with him. Barb had to have this man now and nothing would stop her.

Rolling together on the bed, Barb could not believe how smooth Drew's black skin was. Drew's body was hot against hers as she felt his hand slip between her legs. Drew's kisses had ignited a fire in Barb and she spread her legs wide to accommodate his touch.

Drew was gratified to find Barb's pussy awash in her cum. Lying on his side he stopped kissing her and looked at her body. Barb's nipples were hard and protruding a full inch from her dark areolas. Her clit too was hard from his manipulation.

"Baby your pussy is so so wet. I think you want this nigger to fuck you. Am I right?"

"Drew please don't talk like that."

"Like what baby? Do you want me to fuck you or not. Cause if you do, I want you to say it. Drew I want you to fuck me. Now go ahead, say it baby, it won't hurt."

Drew had worked two fingers into Barb's gushing pussy and she came at that very moment. Barb's body convulsed with the orgasm as she found herself saying, "Drew please fuck me, fuck me with your big cock."

"That's all you had to say baby," Drew reveled, as he moved between Barb's legs in order to mount her. Drew took his throbbing cock and began rubbing the blood engorged head up and down Barb's wet pussy lips. The moisture from her sopping cunt and his pre cum quickly covered the dark purple head of Drew's cock.

Barb watched as Drew moved his massive cock up and down her velvet slit. Biting her lip Barb tried to hurry the process by eagerly pushing down on the black cock between her legs. Drew continued teasing Barb allowing just the tip to penetrate the folds of her pussy.

"Stop teasing me Drew put it in now please."

"Put what in, say it."

Put your cock in me please."

Drew began forcing his huge cock head into Barb's wet pussy. Once the head was in he withdrew half way then pushing slowly, slipped another inch of black cock into her. All the while Drew maintained his arms in a locked position so that he could look between Barb's legs and witness his penetration of this white pussy.

"Like that baby."

"Oh yes it feels so so good."

Drew now had half his cock in Barb and with each slow methodical thrust Barb came closer to cumming. Never in Barb's life had she felt anything like this. Her pussy was stretched to its limits. Barb felt as if she could feel every vein on the magnificent cock.

Barb too looked between her legs mesmerized by the contrast of their skins, and then she came. Not like before, different, like a wave of pleasure enveloping her. Barb's body began to tingle, then Drew forced the remaining three inches of his cock into her cunt.

"Oh my god, yes, fuck me with your big cock. I want to feel all of you, fuck my cunt, baby fuck me and cum. I want you to cum in me. Please don't stop, just cum, cum hard." Barb felt as if she were having some kind of out of body experience. She could hardly believe she was saying things like this, yet that was the way she felt.

Drew could feel the head of his cock bumping into Barb's cervix, which provided him with additional stimulus. Drew started to pump more furiously. Now that he had Barb vocalizing her desires, he was even more turned on. Drew loved establishing control over a woman, especially married ones.

Drew was giving this married woman the fucking of her life, it was obvious. Drew wasn't sure if it was his cock his color or his expertise as a lover, all that mattered is that she succumb to his every wish. That's what made Drew tic, that what made Drew cum.

Barb's eyes glassed over and she was in the throws of another powerful orgasm when she felt Drew's cock began to expand. Barb's body was wet with sweat at the effort she was putting into sex. Drew was bringing out a passion in Barb that until this moment she had never thought existed.

Barb's eyes widened when she felt Drew's cock twitch and grow. She had never felt a man really cum in her, but with Drew there was no mistaking that first gush of hot cum.

Drew pushed as hard as he could when he felt the first gush of his cum explode in Barb's pussy. Drew never asked if Barb was on any type of birth control and he didn't care. Drew was working off primal instinct now, for that matter so was the woman below him, who continued coaxing him to cum.

"Oh baby that feels so incredible, I can feel you cumming, I'm cumming tooooo. Don't stop please don't stop, fill me up," Barb exclaimed convulsing in orgasm.

Drew needed no further encouragement as he plunged his cock to the hilt. Drew's immense cock head pressed firmly against the opening of Barb's cervix and jet after massive jet of his fertile cum forced its way into her womb.

Barb almost passed out she came so hard. Plus the feeling of this man cumming was beyond belief. Never in the eleven years of our marriage had Barb experienced sex like this. Barb instinctively rapped her legs around Drew pulling his cock even deeper. Straining with all of her might she dug her nails into his back urging him deeper. Commanding Drew to fuck her harder.

Drew too became caught up in Barb's orgasm. Sure he had made other women cum, many times. some of those women were even more vocal, more forceful. Barb was different, a combination of all things, beauty, brains, and a cunt that fit just right. Drew collapsed on top of Barb as the last of his cum pulsed its way into Barb's fertile womb. Barb made no effort to move, to the contrary she held him firmly to her bosom.

"Baby your one hot white girl, was I your first?"

Out of breath Barb could hardly talk. "Yes."

"I thought so. You know sex ain't never going to be the same right."

"I know."

"Good, be sweet and get me a towel from the bathroom, there cum every were." Drew then rolled off of Barb so she could get up.

Walking to the bathroom Barb couldn't believe how much cum was leaking out of her vagina. Cleaning herself, Barb marveled at the amount of sperm flowing from her pussy. Barb for the first time truly wondered if having unprotected sex with Drew had been wise. Drew in one session had deposited more cum in her pussy than I would have in three or four sessions. Wetting a towel Barb quickly returned to the room, were she found Drew sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Come stand in front of me."

Barb stood before Drew with nothing but the damp towel in her hand.

"Turn around, I want to check your fine ass out." Drew had a big grin on his face as he indicated with his hand for Barb to turn around.

Smiling Barb turned around slowly, for the first time noticing the full length mirror on the wall.

"Stop right there. Now back up and spread your legs a little."

Barb stopped with her back turned to Drew and facing the Mirror. Backing up she now straddled Drew's legs. She watched in the mirror as Drew reached between her legs with his black hand and inserted two fingers in to her wet slit.

"Baby your pussy is real wet. I think you could use some more of this black cock. Am I right?" With his free hand Drew was playing with his hard cock.

Barb moaned as she saw Drew's pole angled up between her legs. How could this man make her so hot so fast. Barb's eyes were riveted to the mirror. Without being asked Barb lowered herself on to Drew's shaft.

Drew removed his cum soaked fingers as the head of his cock entered Barb's cunt. The massive head slipped into her slit much easier this time, as a wave of pleasure coursed through Barb's body. Squatting up and down on Drew's cock, Barb finally worked the entire cock into her pussy.

Staring at the mirror Barb impaled herself on Drew's black cock. Drew then reached around and placed his cum soaked fingers in Barb's mouth. Barb watched herself licking and sucking hungrily on Drew's fingers.

"Now I want you to start playing with yourself."

Barb was willing to do anything now and quickly obeyed. Placing her finger on her swollen clit, Barb immediately started cumming. " Oh god I'm cumming sooooo hard." Barb cried out with the intensity of the orgasm as she drove herself down on to Drew's cock.

"Some one sure likes looking in the mirror."

Barb was now rubbing her clit hard with one hand and squeezing and pulling on her tit with the other. Barb stared into the mirror. The woman before her no longer looked like her. Barb found it strange, it was as if she had been transformed into some one else. The woman in the mirror was wild with lust as she slid up and down on the wet black cock. "Oh Drew you feel so fucking good. I want you to cum. I want to make you feel good, now cum, cum ,cum, " Barb repeated.

Drew's cock started to swell with his potent sperm as he pumped Barb up and down by the waist. Drew marveled at how perfectly Barb's pussy accommodated his cock. Between his previous load of cum and Barb's continual orgasms his cock slid easily in and out of her cunt. The pleasure Drew was experiencing was too much and he could hold back no longer.

Drew cock erupted with a torrent of cum. "Oh fuck baby, you feel so fucking good, that's it fuck me with that tight little cunt of yours."

"Oh yeah, that's it cum Drew cum." Barb felt the explosion and immediately experienced a mind numbing orgasm. Drew's fertile sperm now covered the sides of her pussy as she pumped herself up and down even harder in an effort to squeeze the last drops of Drew's cum into her pussy.

Spent, Drew pulled Barb back on to his chest. Then rolling Barb off of him he nudged her head down towards his semi-hard cock. Barb knew instinctively what Drew wanted and without further coaxing took his swollen cock in her hand and began licking him clean. As she tasted the mixture of Drew's cum and hers she found herself becoming aroused.

Drew propped himself up on his elbows and stared into the mirror as Barb licked and sucked his cock. A faint red dot could be seen in the mirror. Drew made a mental note that he would have to cover the camera on light with a piece of tape. Fortunately, Barb had been too preoccupied to notice. Drew's mind quickly reverted to the matter at hand. Barb was sucking more vigorously now, the woman was a natural.

"Don't tell me you ant me to fuck you again."

Barb looked up at Drew, then swirling her tongue around his cock head, she nodded affirmatively.

Pages: 1 2

Man with a 'tash

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