Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Sheryl and the Straitjacket Incident

Single chapter

Written by Kristen 


Sheryl generously restores my sight to me, then crawls over me on the bed to the closet. From a dark corner she retrieves a large square of fabric. Some of it has clung to itself, and as she wrests it apart I immediately recognize the ripping sound of Velcro. She turns around to face me again after setting some separate items back on the floor of the closet.

"As you probably realize, before I brought you in here, I set up a few things beforehand," she explains. "Now this little number will be most helpful in our next little scenario. Get up; let me slip this under you." The sheet is quite a bit longer than the bed is wide, so she feeds the remainder down over the far side of the bed.

"Is that whole thing Velcro?"

"That's right, all the plush on one side, all the hooks on the other. You wouldn't think it holds very well, but when it's all done up it makes for a terrifically tight wrap. Now roll on to your stomach. Center it at your chest level, and lie in the center of the bed."

"I'm too high. Can you help me?" Having no use of my arms while lying on my stomach makes it rather difficult to budge. Sheryl obliges and unceremoniously drags me by my feet towards the foot of the bed. I slide smoothly on the straitjacket's material.

Sheryl pulls the Velcro tight around my back. The feeling is singularly odd; I feel like I am being rolled up in a wave. Rather clumsily peering behind me, I notice the left edge of the sheet has just barely reached once around me to meet the center of the sheet. With some exertion, Sheryl snugs in the fabric around my bound body; then, sliding her hand under the sheet to apply pressure from below, she seals the joint. I can hear the miniature hooks catching.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to help me a little as I roll you over." With as much coordination as I can muster I try to roll towards the wall, where the rest of the expansive sheet awaits me. As I do, Sheryl recenters me on the narrow bed and also guides the roll to make it less rough. Successive landings bring me on to my back, then my stomach, then my back again. I am now staring up at the ceiling because I'm no longer able to bend much at the waist.

"Excellent. The sheet ends precisely at the small of your back. I couldn't be sure how far around you'd be with your arms like that, but it's nice for one that there's no distracting seam to look at."

It's true. I look down at a tight white band encircling my torso. A number of metal attachments draw my attention. "What are those metal rings for?"

"The D-rings? Yeah, I was going to take care of those soon. This pair down by your waist"--leaving me for a second to pick up a piece of backpack-like webbing from the floor--"are for these." She passes the strap down through one ring, down between my legs, through a ring I didn't see at the small of my back, back up through my legs, through the remaining one on the front, and snaps both ends together. "Crotch strap," she explains. "Heh, your second one tonight."

"And these"--two more pieces of webbing are crisscrossed around my upper torso and neck--"are to keep you from slipping out the other way."

"I don't know whether I could. It seems like you did a pretty tight job here."

"Aw. No need to flatter me, honey. You should learn to go all the way, do it properly, and just flat out worship me." Sheryl grins. "But we're getting there, don't worry."

"Is that right? I think I'll like that."

"Ok, little man. Too much idle talk from you. I like to work in silence." She grabs the mouth zipper. I protest, but I know it's a losing battle. The zipper is pulled across. From under the hood I sigh.

Evidently enjoying the new silence, Sheryl picks up four more straps. After having anchored them on the remaining four D-rings, two on each side, she shows me the other ends. They are stiff metal hooks. "Just like the kind they use in bike racks," she offhandedly observes.

Hovering over me, and still holding the ends of two of the straps, she reaches into the crack where the wall meets the bed. She hooks them to what I assume is the metal flange underneath the bed. Sheryl then pushes me away from the wall, so the hooks will be sure to ride up and catch the flange.

The remaining two straps are run to the flange on my right side. In the mirror I can see Sheryl straining to get the hooks all the way to their targets. After she does, she takes hold of a friction buckle on each strap. Sitting on the floor and using her feet to push against the metal, she fastens the straps securely; amazingly, she manages to get another one inch out of the straps. "Hope you don't need to go to the bathroom, cause you and that bed are going to become close buddies. But I'll be back in a flash--I need some water. Enjoy!"

The door shuts, and I am alone in complete silence.

The cumulative pressure is amazing. The jacket is more than effective enough at compressing my body, but the wrap intensifies the experience. And all the while, I am being pressed into the bed by the newest strapping. I try jerking my torso from side to side, but the violent motion only serves to rock the bed gently. I am thoroughly trapped. And I revel in it.


"How are you doing now?" My captor leans over to dribble a little water down my dry throat.

After thirstily gulping a few times, I try to make an approving sound. Sheryl understands.

"Good. You don't want to make me impatient, you know. Let's see, next we have these delightful things for your legs. I got them at the same place that makes the torso sheets."

I'm almost relieved that Sheryl hasn't forgotten about my legs. Being the only substantial things I could move for the last few minutes, they were really beginning to bother me. Out from the closet come two more tall white Velcro sheets. They're tapered, so I can imagine the direction in which they are applied. She brings one close to offer me a better view.

"I want to show you something. See this stitched sheath? In it is a metal rod. It'll keep you nice and straight. Now then: your legs, please."

Just to make her life hard for her, I bend my knees as far as the suit permits. She tries to straighten my knees, but I stubbornly hang on. I am just beginning to think that I have won when she goes straight to her purse, produces a roll of duct tape, unrolls a piece, and goes straight for my nostrils.

Before she can resort to this coercion, I give up. She begins the wrapping immediately. Phew. I was worried she'd give up first.

Though I've spent nearly three hours helpless under Sheryl's hand, this is the first time through it all that I've felt vulnerable. After wrapping my legs, Sheryl had located something or other--it was too far down to see clearly--to fasten my feet to the corners of the bed. And now, though I'm sure Sheryl has been aware of it for a long time, I can no longer hide the bulging in the crotch of my suit. With my arms wrapped and my legs splay, my package is raring for delivery at the junction of my human "Y."

And indeed, as she stands by the door, resting her hand on the doorknob, she is staring straight at it. She sits by my thighs and rubs it appreciatively. "Junior's all ready to go, I see."

Behind the hood: "Mm-hmm!"

"And we shouldn't neglect him, I don't suppose."


Lifting aside the jacket's false crotch strap, Sheryl begins to ease open the suit's crotch zipper. "Hey, tiger, can't you let up for a second? I'm having trouble getting this open!" Perhaps because she wants me to respond to her chiding, or perhaps because she likes symmetry, she pulls open my mouth zipper too.

"You know, Sheryl, I'd really love to and all, but given the circumstances I think it's going to be there for a while. This is possibly the longest-running hard-on I've ever had."

The zipper is evidently open now: all of a sudden it feels a lot cooler down there.

"Oh. Then I better not let it off. You know, and break your record and all."

"No, that's not what I meant! For that I make the exception. Sheryl, please! Don't be so cruel."

"Heh, I'm sweet too much of the time. I need to balance these things out. Besides, I'm here to help you achieve personal greatness."

"Sheryl, at the moment there's only one thing I'd like you to help me achieve!"

"Hush now, and listen to Sheryl, honey." With a zip I am mute again. This time I am more complainant behind the zipper, but I doubt it means much in terms of absolute loudness.

From the closet comes a formidable metallic black contraption, easily the size of a cantaloupe. Wires and straps hang down from the mass in Sheryl's hand, but the most prominent part is the long tube in the center. She taps it. "You know where this goes, right?"

A bulging guard flap is removed from immediately inside the suit's crotch zipper. Immediately my member springs to attention, the first of my own skin that I've seen in hours now. On its way up it brushes against the zipper. I shudder. It's not much, seeing how much I'm bolted down, but sitting on the bed, Sheryl feels the motion.

"Poor guy, hasn't had any direct attention for so long. Well, it would have been a while yet, but I'm feeling for you. So remember this."

My captor leans over, extends her tongue, and plays it on Junior's head. Without warning she then takes him all in, caressing in a marvellously talented motion with her lips, tongue, and cheek. I have closed my eyes, waiting for that final touch, when I sense the cold air on my member again. My eyes snap open. Sheryl's face is not by my crotch anymore, and as concerns me in the present situation, that is altogether wrong.

"You thought...? Ha. Nope, 'personal greatness,' remember?" Her mock altruism is intolerable.

I scream into the zipper and rock the bed in frustration.

Sheryl finishes strapping me into the device. Tight straps around my waist and thighs push me without hope of escape into this wicked extension of her will. Or at least I assume it will be wicked. Everything else has been.

Then Sheryl speaks up to confirm my fears. "This is a little number I purchased on the West Coast. Basically, this will keep you on the edge for hours. Electric play over your member and his two friends, combined hydraulic and pressure stimulation in the tube--oh, if I were a guy I would have used this on myself a long time ago."

She takes a plug to the wall socket. "The battery is supposed to last two hours, but since we're going longer than that, I don't want it to give out on you." Longer than two hours? My stomach drops.

"The device transmits a report of your response to me on a private radio band; I can alter the intensity of the stimulus at any time. But for the moment, I've got it set to keep you hovering between 80% and 90% of what I think it'll take you to lose it. I'd do 90% to 95%, but I don't know your fine points quite that well yet. Oh well, next time.

"You're probably going to get quite hot struggling in all those layers, so I'll have to remember to turn on the AC too."

Sheryl paces back over to the head of the bed, where I'm contemplating my fate in imposed serenity. She plants a kiss on my mouth zipper.

"I'm sorry, pookie. The next two hours will probably be terrible. But I know you'll thank me in the end. Besides, next time it'll be your turn to outdo me. I make a damned sexy--and damned loud--damsel in distress. But for now..."

She looks at the clock. In false concern: "Why, it's 3:00 already. What are you still doing up? Nighty-night." She unplugs the clock, kills the light, smoothes the guard pads over my eyes, and with a motion of finality draws the zipper over them.

"One other thing: after three hours, I've set the machine to give you release. But release without reprieve, for two whole hours. One after another." My stomach ties itself another knot. "That's right," she concludes, feeling my hooded cheeks, "it will be heaven and hell wrapped up into one. But that's me." One last pat, and that is it.

Sheryl's steps die away. The door opens and closes. I hear the deadbolt drawn through. I am now imprisoned and locked inside a diabolical straightjacket, secured to a bed, immobile, blind, mute, and behind two locked doors to which I have no key.

It is impossibly dark and deathly quiet.

The air conditioning starts up, a low grating hum that dulls the ears. Behind the hood all the sounds are muffled now.

Then the machine turns on.

For the first few seconds, the stimulation is entirely tolerable. But then it ramps up, torturing me with merciless precision, each second delivering more than I thought I could handle in an hour.

I try to buck the machine off. I try to free my arms. I try to free my legs. Every exercise proves futile. And only thirty seconds have passed.

I scream into the zipper. But above the air conditioner, I cannot hear even myself.


"Sherrie, girl, you are pure evil. I never knew you had it in you."

Alone in the dark observation room, Kate massages her legs, which have fallen asleep from the long wait. "Hm, but yeah, now that I think about it, I could see that dominatrix fetish streak in you. Man, the costume for that routine last year was *really* popular with the guys."

Kate casually picks up the coffee, rather cold now, that she has been sipping slowly for the past hour. Her frontrow view of the action from behind the one-way mirrored window has been interesting enough that she hasn't often had to resort to liquid divertissement. Several times Kate has even found herself enhancing her observation with certain other types of divertissements as well.

That was a close call there earlier, she realizes. It was highly doubtful that the bound form on the bed realized that someone could be--and indeed was--watching. He had enough to deal with at the moment. Sheryl, on the other hand, certainly knew of the existence of the room. On the way back from getting water, Sheryl had gotten the idea to let herself into this room. Hearing a key in the lock, Kate had rushed over to the door just in time to engage the deadbolt silently. Thankfully, the deadbolt key was not on the ring Sheryl had been given.

Kate studies Sheryl's own keyring. Next to the illicitly reproduced psych department keys she has added, she notes the three small keys with the cute heart punched into them. In three hours she'd have to meet Sheryl at the student union so that the tormentress could release her boyfriend from his cruel torture. Until then, Kate would have to stay out of her way and decide how to entertain herself.

She flips the "Video" switch on the console to "Low Light" and sees the faintly rocking outline of the straitjacketed captive. After checking the volume, Kate ensures that the tape is still recording. Five hours and counting, the recorder indicates.

Oh, the delicious possibilities.

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Man with a 'tash

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Apropos nothing...

'Berk' is the shortened version of 'Berkshire Hunt', itself rhyming slang for 'cunt'.
Good to know before you accidentally use it in polite company!

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