Man with a tash! The Adult Story Hub

Mating Season

Single chapter

Written by Kristen 

This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.
By Iluv Babymaking (

I have long been in the cattle, horse, and dog breeding business. I buy expensive heifers and breed them with prize-winning bulls. I also breed racehorses and pedigreed dogs.

I met my wife at a dog breeder's show. I liked to joke with her that she was the best bitch in show.

Before I go much further, you have to know that my farm has a very nice, and new, 3story barn. It is unique, too. It is built right into a hillside so that the third story of the barn is actually even with where the house sits at the top of the hill. However, the other stories of the barn were cut into the hillside and were even with the natural fall of the land.

This story begins routinely. One day, my young wife went with me to the barn when I was going to breed some animals. As it happened, I had four clean stalls, one right next to the other.

Since I had two dogs, two horses, and two cattle ready for breeding at once, I decided that I would place them next to each other in the stalls.

I led the stallion into the mare's stall, where she began kicking. It did not take long, though, for the stallion to settle her down and mount her.

Horse sex has a distinctive smell.

Right after that, I had a prize bitch in heat that I wanted to mate. She was a Bernard. I had a stud from another owner, and I put them together in a stall in my barn close by the two horses. The bitch started yelping, but the stud took no mercy on her. He mounted and nailed her right away.

Then I led a big, well-seasoned bull into the stall and placed him with a very pretty little heifer. In human terms, she would have been young enough to be his offspring. But she was built sturdy, and he raised up and took her immediately. The sound of a bull taking a young heifer, who has never mated before, is distinctive. The ovulating heifer bellowed in pain from carrying the weight of a humping bull.

I could tell from all the noise that the animals were mating.

The smell of animal sex filled the air. It reeked.

There was a fourth clean stall in between the horses and the dogs that was clean but empty. In fact, it had freshly-cut hay in it. While we were waiting for the animals to finish, it dawned on me that it was about the right time of month for my wife and that she was not on birth control.

I sidled up next to my wife. She was a bit distracted, listening to the animals. I could tell she was completely absorbed with watching the animals and listening to what they were doing.

But my mind was not on the animals. I looked at her hair. Then I glanced down at her tight ass.

I didn't fool around. I just began unbuttoning her blouse.

At first she looked at me kinda funny.

She knew right away what I was doing--and probably figured out why, too. She definitely got into it.

I simply undid the buttons on her blouse and undid the snap on her blue jeans. Then I just sort of pulled her clothes off, getting her naked. I led her into the clean stall, right between the dogs and the horses, and eased her down onto the fresh hay. I quickly took off my clothes. I kissed her long and deep. Then I moved her onto her stomach and penetrated her very suddenly, hard and deep from behind.

She was wet as could be. She sighed slightly as I entered her, sort of like the other female animals had done when the males of their species entered them so eagerly.

I set out to take her as deep as possible. I really shoved hard. I was thinking, professional breeder that I was, that my goal was to get my sperm past her cervix so that her chance of getting pregnant would be greatly increased.

It was clear that we had both had the same fantasy of breeding like animals. It was a huge turn on to hear the animals going at it nearby as we did the same. The smells, at first a huge turnoff, gradually became a huge and earthy turn-on. I felt just like an animal that was mating, and so did my bitch! My ass rose and fell HARD on her, just as the other male animals did on their mates.

Let's just say that I humped her like the bitch in heat that she was. I mounted her hard and deep from behind, just like the stallion did the mare, the stud did the bitch, and the bull did the heifer.

I rode her just as hard -and perhaps harder -than the other males. I kept doing my best to get her as deep as I could, and my dick was so hard that it was like a steel rod. She winced from the pleasurable pain as I stroked down deep, and she moaned repeatedly.

I came inside her almost immediately. I shoved in deep and hard and feel myself ejaculating into her 7 times. I could tell that I had just pumped a lot of sperm into her. It felt that way, a huge and pleasurable release.

She made a low noise, and I could tell that she could feel my dick expand as my sperm pumped into her.

As soon as I finished, another thought crossed my mind. I was satisfied, but I had to work on getting her to climax.

Without removing myself, I gently lifted her ass into the air. I reached around her thighs to find her clit. Dipping my finger where the sperm was starting to leak out of her, I used the sperm as lubrication and slowly began stroking her clit at the same time that I was stroking inside her with my dick.

This went on for perhaps 5 minutes. But, finally, and at long last, I felt her stomach spasm hard. She groaned. I thrust again deep and came a second time--just as her stomach spasmed with an intense orgasm.

I really nailed that bitch good.

But this time I could feel that the load was not as great. The feeling was not quite as intense. And yet I knew I ejaculated about 4 times into her as I felt her stomach spasm in orgasm.

She was as slick as could be on the inside.

After I finished, I lowered her slowly back down onto the hay and continued stroking slowly.

I continued stroking for what must have been 20 minutes. It was a very long time.

At long last I came a third time. I thrust deep and held it.

I pulled out for just a moment and looked down. The lips of her vagina were red and swollen.

I could see the place where I had been inside her. I could see white sperm inside her, spilling out.

Her hair was a mess. It was spread out all over the hay, absolutely beautiful. There was even hay sticking out of the hair. She really looked like she had been FUCKED.

Then I eased myself down and inside her again.

She moaned as I entered her again. She felt cold inside. This time I decided the goal was simply to stay in her as long as possible.

I started stroking slowly and deeply. That went on for a long time. She was very slimy.

After all that time, I came a fourth and final time. I ejaculated very slowly into her, not nearly as strongly as I had the first 3 times.

But she, bitch that she was, knew it, and moaned again.

When I finished, I turned her over so that she was on top of me. She lay with her face resting on mine. I was still inside her. Particles of hay filled her hair.

She fell asleep, too. It was awhile later when we woke up. I was still deep inside her. She felt a bit sticky but was still a little slimy. That bitch was full of sperm.

Now, you need to know three things before I finish the story.

The first thing is that humans take longer than animals. Although I came in my bitch quickly, the other males still beat me to it. I have a theory about that, by the way. I think that males plant their seed quickly for fear that other males will force them off before they can plant their seed--and also because both male and female are vulnerable to predators as they copulate.

The second thing you need to know is that, as we found out later, my wife definitely got pregnant as a result of that mating. Good breeder that she was, she was pregnant with twins.

The breeding session was 100 percent successful because all the females got pregnant, my wife included.

The third and final thing you need to know is that, sure enough, we had visitors that we did not know we had. They entered on the top floor, and they looked down into the stalls on the first floor to see four male asses rising and falling vigorously on their respective females! The men watched, spellbound, as I humped my bitch in time with the animals. They kept very quiet, because they wanted to see the whole thing. And they did, because they told me exactly what happened some time later over beers.

The men told me they could tell when each male animal climaxed in its mate just by the way the asses moved--and I was no different, they said. I shoved in hard and stayed that way as the sperm pumped in. And, as I finished, I moved outward very slowly and resumed the natural stroking rhythm.

They told me they absolutely loved it when I put her on top. They said that, from where they stood, they could see my shaft sticking right into her. They all said they would never forget the sight of that heart-shaped ass with a dick sticking in the womb so vividly.

The men commented on her, too. They told me that I was very lucky to have a woman with such a great, tight ass and nicely-shaped, apple-sized tits with great nipples.

They had seen nearly every inch of her body!

Over the next year, these guys stopped by once in awhile at the farm just to say hello. I knew they just wanted to look at her. And I knew they were remembering what they had seen as they watched her belly swell up so huge with the twins and her breasts grow so full of milk that they sagged and sometimes even leaked.

When I told her later that we had been watched as we were mating, she was at first so embarrassed that she did not know what to say. It bothered her that a crowd of men gawked while she was impregnated.

But I just told her that she should not be so selfconscious. Female animals don't care that they are watched during mating, so why should she? Sex is part of life.

And, as I went on to tell her, she should be proud that she had turned out to be my best breeder.

After that, she would often accompany me to the barn when I was breeding animals. We set up that stall as "our stall," and we mated while the animals mated. My wife had 4 more healthy and beautiful children over the years, fine and fertile breeder that she was.

Man with a 'tash

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The average breast size in the US is 40D. Back in the '50s, 36C was more like the average.
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