My wife, Jessica, had been busting loose with new sexual energy, and I had been trying to keep pace with her new lifestyle. I had confronted her with the fact that I had been there behind the scenes during her black gang bang, and the fact that I had seen Jodi's cum splash party video with her in it. Jessica was, at first, mad at me, and furious at her sister for doing that to her. But after pondering the thought for a few seconds, she realized that Jodi had actually done her a favor, and had forced the issue between us by bringing things out in the open. Rather than continue to try hiding, she spilled her guts, admitting that she was just overwhelmed with sex right now, and she didn't really know how it happened, but she knew she liked it.
She started, "How does a person begin opening up? What am I supposed to say? You know that we've been swinging for a while, and that we've been mixing things up. It's just that I've expanded my horizons a little."
"A little? Swinging with another couple is one thing even swinging in with a group of people, but, I have this hangup about wanting to know what each other is doing. About being open with each other."
"But....I didn't think you would understand..."
"No shit! Some things are just a wee bit more than strange, and here I am, still in the stone age in comparison to what you're involved in. What we started out doing is not what I've seen you hiding from me. I shake my head and ask, Is this real? Isn't this just a story? A dream? When do I wake up? How do I wake up? Let me put it differently, my demure blond child bride now has a passion for black cock. Not only that, but she likes, no... she seems to need to be deep fucked. And even what's more bizarre is that she now likes to be deep fucked by horses too! Am I painting this picture right?"
"Yes, yes, your right! I do admit that I have developed a hang-up for black cock. Jodi introduced me, and I have to admit that I have a craving for it. And, yes, I like to have my cervix fucked...I like to be gang banged... I like to do horses... I like all that stuff, and I intend to enjoy it while I can."
Oh, I got mad and shouted my share, calling her a slut and a whore, only to hear her respond, "Slut? I guess you could say that. Whore? I pride myself on giving it away, so I don't qualify. Please try to understand, it's not you that's wrong, it's what I'm feeling inside. It's what I am, what I have changed to become, and who I am now. You've got to accept that."
So what was I to do? She told me either to support her, or leave her. I chose the support route.
Before retiring for the night after Jodi's black sexing exhibition, Jessica and I found a quiet time alone, where we sat & talked briefly. At least she still had on her excuse for clothing, and had undone the bottom of her dress where she had tied it around her waste. She sat at one end of the couch facing me, and I was at the other end. Wine glass in her right hand and left arm on the back of the couch, her left leg was tucked under her and right leg pulled up, thereby affording me a clear view of her bald pussy which was glistening from the fresh load of cum oozing from her slit.
"Nice dress! Where's the rest of it?" I started.
"Oh, don't be a prude! Well, what do you think so far? Isn't it outrageous?"
"Outrageous isn't the word! Of course, I seem to compare everything I see nowadays to seeing you gang fucked at Jodi's house by those black guys, but at least that was you wanting it, and not like what I saw tonight. It seemed like Jodi was actually getting raped!"
"Sure she was, but she was enjoying every minute. I know she was...I could feel it. That's why I set it up that way."
"How can you feel it? You don't know what she feels, or her emotions. You can only guess."
"Oh, how wrong you are! I never seemed to know Jodi before she broke my ice, so to speak, but, since we've been sexing together, we've discovered an incredible bond and feeling for each other. I could almost feel every stroke of that big black cock as if it was in my own pussy."
"I know. I've seen it in you!"
"Very funny, but, no, I'm not kidding. You see, it's not only the sex, it's the way we have it and play with it, or enjoy it. It's not just getting fucked, it's the intensity, it's the emotion, it's all those things like embarrassment, outrageousness, and the devilish situations we can create. Oh, I know you can't feel it physically, but just imagine you are female and having a real live cock pushed inside of you. Something that is not part of your own body. Imagine thinking about why it's impregnate you, to spurt sperm over your eggs. Imagine the consequences, the feelings, the taking charge of real life, and coaxing it's owner to such heights that it just bursts forth, hot from the man's body heat, and deposited inside."
She was beginning to get agitated, but continued, "Now imagine how everyone in this world thinks of that as a private, personal, and, in some cases, almost dirty thing to do. Dark and secretive, and certainly not to be discussed openly. Think of the taboos that people never talk about, and think about the ones they do. Think about the how every woman is considered and expected to be neat, clean, manicured and spotless in appearance and manner.
The image of men is almost the opposite, and when you think of black men, the image almost turns animalistic. It's bad (or good) enough for some to fantasize secretively about having straight sex, but when people imagine having that same sex with a black man, it becomes unthinkable for some, and that's the thrill. Now, imagine playing with the taboo. Maybe think of having sex with that black taboo up your ass.
Imagine getting rough with it, flaunting it, showing it around. Pushing it into the imaginations of others to where you can literally see the sweat bead up over them, and the red heat come over their body involuntarily. Imagine taunting them, as if they were tied up and you were torturing their bodies, only this time your tormenting their minds. And that's only scratching the surface of what I'm trying to tell you."
"I don't know, Jess. This whole thing just seems to be rolling out of control, and...."
"That's just it! You don't understand! Out of control is part of the game, the chance, the body rush. But, actually, if it seems out of control to you, then that's exactly what I planned. In fact, I think that things are going fabulous, and tomorrow and the next day should be even better. Jodi doesn't know what to expect, and she doesn't know who she is going to fuck, or even what she is going to fuck."
"And, that's another thing Jess... this stud farm thing..."
"Whoa, cowboy! Just hold your horses! No, on second thought, don't hold 'em. Yeah, I admit that getting involved with Traci and the horseplay is just about as far as anyone can go, but, you see, that's part of what I am telling you. At first I was scared and disgusted by the thought, but I took a challenge to go and see what it was all about. Curiosity got me going, and when I had the chance to put my own hands around a big horse cock, when I saw it being done, it was just too much for me.
I just had to try it, and it felt real good. God, I was getting hot! The next thing I knew this thing was gushing more cum that I ever imagined, and it made my whole body flush, feeling this big bag of hot fluid that I just coaxed out of an animal. Then, when I saw Traci actually fucking the horse, I almost lost it! And, I admitted to myself that I wanted to feel the same thing she was feeling. I desperately wanted to be fucked by a horse too!"
"So, I think I know you finally did try it, but, how much, Jess? How often have you actually done it?"
"Ohhh.....some. Ok, maybe more than some. I've spent some time with Traci and her husband, and they helped me get started. I really like the feeling....getting fucked by a horse. They started me out with a small one, actually, about the same size as Ron, but when it came inside! I had to have another, and another. I haven't taken the biggest ones yet, but I've taken pretty big, and the bigger the horse, the bigger the gushes of cum. God, you can't believe the force of the stream. Especially when it's inside my uterus! I.....I......I just can't stop wanting it. Please, you gotta, actually, at this point, I really don't care if you understand or not. I've only had a few fuck sessions with them, but I don't plan to stop anytime in the near future. That is, if Traci doesn't mind sharing."
"That's our problem, Jessica, you really don't seem to care what I think right now. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me while you're hanging all over one of your black lovers. Your expression tells me to eat my heart out that my wholesome white housewife is going to get fucked before my eyes or behind my back, but be assured, your attitude definitely says you're going to get your fill of black semen one way or the other, and probably both ways. And, now, your telling me that you like getting fucked by horses! I'm beginning to think that the next thing I'll see is a horse gang bang to add to your black gang bang!"
"Now you're getting the picture, lover! I love it when you read my mind. Now, if you don't mind, I've got a bed somewhere that needs me." And, with that, she got up, and took her mostly nude self to some other stiff boner that she was eager to milk.
"Shit! I'm not even going to ask." I was pissed, and, except for the sex, this was not making me a happy camper. I was really excited by the action, and the other club members included me as a close and trusted member. Jodi was great, and took great pains to introduce me to people who she thought would be interested in me and vice versa, and most of the women actually looked forward to my company, and asked for me by name on several occasions. Everything should have been great, but it wasn't. There was a big gap, and that gap was called Jessica's love for me. I realized I was hanging on, but couldn't face the alternative.
The girl who did Jodi's nipple piercing was known by one of the club members to have a wild side, and was suspected of a tendency to get involved. She had gotten creative at the request of the guests, and, at the direction of her black friends, had fitted Jodi with a spreader and gold leg chains. Now, to understand this, picture a very simple concept. Jodi is nude, with a completely shaved pussy, so the idea is to show off that pussy as much as possible. When she stands, her pussy lips are closed, and exposure is subtle, but this was her time to be opened up and be put on display. Someone in the club had designed the device, and the ranchette owners had it fabricated for this event.
"The Pussy Spreader" as they called it was an arched gold bar, about three inches in length, and similar in appearance to an old fashioned men's tie clasp. When each end was attached to the rings in Jodi's pussy, the effect was to spread her lips and hold them apart like you see some women doing in magazine spread shots, where you can see the gaping hole of her vagina. Now, when she stood or walked, her pussy was held open to the air, to the view, and to the touch as anyone desired. Further, since she couldn't hold her lips closed, there was no way she could hold any semen inside her, for whenever she would be fucked, it was sure to run down her legs for all to see. This came in embarrassingly handy when Jodi was fucked, then sent out in public.
Besides the arched version, she was also fitted with a straight bar on the ends of which were small discs and screw-on end caps with loops. The bar ends would then replace the rings in her pussy by slipping through the same holes (the discs keeping the pin from slipping all the way through), and the screw caps would be attached on the outside of her pussy lips, thereby having the same effect as a man's collar pin.
The group loved experimenting with the devices at Jodi's expense, and Jodi was getting off on sitting back and spreading her legs while having someone decorate her pussy with everyone watching, talking and teasing her. Each of these combinations had another cute feature, in that a thin gold chain was attached to either each pussy ring, or each bar end. One chain hung down to just below her kneecap, then looped around her leg and fastened. The other chain hung from her other pussy lip, to just above her knee, looped around her leg, and fastened. The final effect was truly stunning choker collar with gold chain through the central ring, and attached on each end to nipple rings gold pussy spreader holding her little bat wings wide open for a clear view of her vaginal hole and, leg chains which gently tugged on her lips as Jodi walked or shifted. Wow! What a sight as she stood there in white high heels on display.
It was a statement in contrasts of bondage, but adornment that of elegant undress. Several other chain combinations were fabricated and tried on Jodi for fun, but these ideas were saved for the next member who would "enjoy/endure" the submission game. I thought sarcastically to myself, "Gee. I wonder who that could be."
Jodi was told that her obligation was to ensure that she was fucked at least once every hour, and that I would be present at all times to verify the count. There were to be no excuses, and she was under penalty of marking or additional body piercing. In addition, whenever she wasn't being supplied with cock, she was responsible for finding her hourly fix, and screwing him in my presence. I was taken aside and given detailed pointers on how she should be treated, and what was expected for the rest of the day. I was also informed that several people would report back on our progress to make sure I was doing this right. "Geez, I feel like I'm part of this whole game too. It must be Jessica's idea," I thought to myself as I prepared for escorting my charge.
Jodi was given her shorts and top to wear, and we were supplied with a convertible to drive to the mall. She was told she must purchase a tennis skirt and cotton/Lycra tube top that would clearly show her nipple rings and the chain connections. She would wear the articles out of the store, but make sure that her chainery was arranged so it was very apparent that her nipples were pierced and had a chain running through her collar.
She was to also make certain that her leg chains attracted attention to indicate their connection from her pussy lips to her ankles. For this the tennis skirt was to be the shortest she could find, and if it was any longer than barely covering her ass, then she was to have it altered immediately. The last item she was to purchase was a white backless cocktail dress that I thought was suitable for her appearance. Boy, did we luck out! The dress was strapless, backless, and was cut to expose the area between her breasts down to her navel. The two cups were held from splitting apart with none other than a gold chain, and its short length flair skirt definitely brought attention to her leg chains.
Now picture that in white heels and long blonde hair! I have to admit that shopping took a little longer than planned, and given the time constraint, I allowed her to fudge on her obligation to get fucked. Seeing her in those various states of dress, and seeing the very obvious effect it was having on the sales staffs and customers, I allowed Jodi to invite me into the dressing room on the pretense of being her husband, where she knelt down and sucked me off in record time. Hey, I was glad to help the poor girl out!
Next stop the adult book store. This particular store was nicely arranged and, above all, kept clean. As a result, it uniquely attracted male and female patrons alike, and one was just as apt to encounter several ladies debating the purchase of magazines, videos, or vibrating dildos, as to brush by the usual male entourage. Jodi was to spend a minimum of one hour (no more than two) in the store, and must make a purchase of one large black dildo that she would not take in a bag, but carry it openly. During her purchase she was to arrange for a booth viewing of any video of her choice about blacks/blondes, and she was to take her purchase into the booth.
I noticed (as did she) that another club member had shown up for verification of Jodi's submission, and to enjoy her debasement at the hands of strangers. It was Jodi's idea to leave the door to the booth open, and it was easy to see that store had taken great pains to construct their booths to accommodate couples in a comfortable and usable setting. As she leaned back and enjoyed the movie while making good use of the black rubber dick, several patrons did a double take as they passed the door, and soon there was a small line forming to the booth.
Fortunately, Jodi is somewhat selective, and only engaged in contact sport with a few men she found acceptable. The others she allowed to watch, but not touch, and included several couples and single ladies who stopped and stared with blushed excitement. The time went quickly, and Jodi more than fulfilled her obligation that hour. I actually think she enjoyed the people watching as she walked through the store and to the car. Her cum-filled cunt, being held open by her spreader, was leaking sperm profusely down her legs. She told me she liked the sensations having to show off like that, but had to deftly place a towel on the car seat, and hike her skirt up while riding. I didn't mind.
Saturday afternoon college football party. Jodi was to attend at a certain time, not be late. We were given directions when I called back to the ranch house, and we drove to a small house, where she attracted significant attention from the some neighborhood teens who were hanging out when walking up to the door. Upon entering the house, she was told to leave her clothes in the car. In her second nude march of the weekend, she stripped, walked back to the car where she tossed her clothes in the front seat, and walked straight back to the house, heels clicking, boobs bouncing, and chains swaying. I always thought it funny that teens never make any attempt to hide their surprise or emotions. They loved the show.
Once inside, she made the rounds of the seven men there (eight including me) by alternately sucking and fucking each one using both pussy or asshole as her mood struck. Jodi's appetite for sex never ceased to amaze me. Here was a group of men, she the only female, and she didn't intend to let a moment go by not having sex with them. Her voracious attack of cock and balls was accentuated by her attitude, and there were times when I couldn't tell who was forcing sex on whom.
After about an hour the doorbell rang, and she was ordered to go greet the pizza delivery boy, pay him, and bring the pizzas to the family room. Everyone watched as she didn't hesitate to fling the door open wide. We all laughed as all three pizzas just about went flying before she insisted the boy bring them into the house. He tried to make change, but couldn't keep his eyes off Jodi's naked body and wide open pussy, from which, by the way, was flowing a good three or four loads of fresh cum down her legs.
For the next two hours, we ate pizza, drank beer, and fucked like minks. Jodi didn't ignore me in her revere, and offered her pussy several times to her "bro", but crazy or not, I had this unspoken promise to myself that I would never fuck her pussy, but only oblige her by allowing her to suck me off, or use other antics of her choice. She did manage to satisfy my hunger, and finished her lunch with the "creme-de-la-me." Near the end, we got a phone call from Jess, "Well, how's it going? Is Sis getting fucked every hour like she's supposed to?" I could hear a laugh hers and a muffled man's voice. "Yeah, yeah....I'm making sure. Where are you? What are you doing?"
"I'm at the ranch eating a late lunch." From the background I heard a man's voice, "I've been called a lot of things, but never a late lunch."
"Get Jodi back to the ranch so she can get cleaned up for dinner, OK?" Jess hung up the phone as I again felt a pang of irritation. Jodi felt my unease, and, actually being sensitive, she helped divert me from my distraction, and back into the events of the weekend by walking to the car, again nude, and standing beside it as she dressed. The neighbor kids must have been waiting for hours, for they were there gawking like deer in the headlights until we drove off, Jodi waving to them as we passed.
I took my time driving because I wanted to talk. "Jodi, what do you think about the weekend so far?"
"Wow! I think it's been great, and there's been some really kinky stuff that's giving me a body rush! Although, I am a little tired right now."
"Jodi, you're a fucking sex machine! Don't you ever get sore or just plain worn out"
"Thanks, I take that as a compliment....and, yes, I do get a slight bit sore after awhile, but, no, I never seem to wear out. The pleasure is so intense that instead of wearing off, it builds my need the more I get it. That's what's so neat about this whole thing. This is something I've always fantasized about."
"I mean, do you mind about all the things that are happening to you? What do you think about your sister's involvement, and things like that?"
"Well, that's just it....this is stuff that I wouldn't just go out and do for myself. This stuff has to be done to you, and that's part of the thrill. It's being forced into these acts, like last night's black exhibition wow, what a turn on! Especially since there were strangers there, and Jess spreading me while Ron was poking me with his big dick! You see, it's all someone else's image of me, and what they would like to see me doing. It's me doing those things that turns them on, and, in turn, blows me away. I've done a lot of this stuff, but I would never have just gone out and gotten nipple rings, and I for sure wouldn't parade around nude in public. Look at these things." She lifted her top on one breast, pointing to her nipple jewelry. "These are sexy as hell, and the feel really turns me on, especially 'cause I know people can see them." She thought for a few seconds, "Does it turn you on? I mean seeing me do this? You making me do it? Seeing Jess do it with me?"
"Oh, don't get me wrong. If I didn't get off on what I've seen and done, I should have my head examined. After all, I'm here to escort you and see that you get what's planned, but I'm also here to protect you, and...."
"Yeah! And thank God for that!"
"....and, I guess I've been wondering if you know how Jess would feel if she was in your position right now."
"I think I'm beginning to pick up on something here. Look, Jessica has had her sexual dam broken for some time now, and she's really broken loose. To put it on the line, you have to either live with it, or leave it, 'cause I'll tell you, she's not going to change anytime in the near future. As far as her being here now? She would trade places with me in a heartbeat. We both know each other's monthly cycles, and I know she's feeling the same urges that I'm feeling at this moment, only she can't be the center of attention. I have plans for her submission already, and I can guarantee that she'll get hers! Once she gets going, she's like me and just can't seem to get enough. The more she gets, the more she wants. By the way, you do know that your supposed to escort her too, being her husband and all. I mean, you were my substitute 'cause mine won't participate, but lets me do as I please."
"I guess I sort of realized that, and it's been playing on me. Everything Jess does lately plays on me, like..."
"I know, like when she shows up without you knowing....wearing that dress! Whew! Those black boys sure got an eyeful of us blondes! And her teasing you by rubbing up against them, and then blatantly watching you watching her fuck their brains out. Of course I can see it. And I gotta say that I can feel what she is feeling, but at the same time, I can feel what your feeling too."
"I'm not quite sure anyone is feeling what I'm feeling."
Jodi covered herself, put head back on the seat, closed her eyes and murmured, "No, I can feel it, bro...I can feel it." Within seconds she was asleep. be cunt...inued...
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